Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [noun] are now " in BNC.

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1 Nineteen ninety three is gon na be the first year in which the full benefits of this cost cutting are gon na come through and whilst it 's always a continuing process and there will be some further redundancies , I am glad to say that we believe that the bulk of the redundancies are now behind us .
2 To accelerate to flying speed the noses of the floats are now lowered onto their bow waves , lifting their tails from the water and minimising drag by running along on their small middle portion , or step .
3 The health-care task force , which is due to deliver its report to the president any day now , has outdone all previous committees on every imaginable measure : size ( it had 500 full-time members and innumerable hangers-on ) , complexity ( it was divided into 15 ‘ cluster groups ’ and 34 working groups ) , rigour ( the heads of the working-groups are now having their work reassessed by ‘ auditors ’ and ‘ contrarians ’ ) ; and , not least , ambition .
4 But good though this record is , no system is perfect and accordingly the Church Commissioners and the Department of the Environment are now looking at ways in which the non-statutory public inquiries can be improved to become an even more effective forum for weighing all points of view in particularly difficult cases .
5 Manufacturing operations and supporting services at each of the two main plant complexes in the UK are now respectively controlled by a Teesside and Merseyside operations manager .
6 Large murals from the mansion are now on the walls of Prestwick Indoor Bowling Club .
7 Moreover , the RAC 's own research has shown that cars in the UK are now dirtier than a year ago , despite tougher controls on emissions .
8 The first three books in the series are now available .
9 And most shops in the region are now dusting off the platform shoes and diamante brooches , which have been centre of the autumn collections of the last 50 years .
10 The quarries on the skyline are now used as caravan sites .
11 As a measure of the way British politics has strutted to the right over the past decade , the policies of the SNP are now considered radical , although they are broadly similar to those of the Heath school of one-nation Conservatism !
12 Sites for the hospice are now being considered in Flint , Crosby and Liverpool .
13 Large areas of the lake are now lacking in oxygen ( anoxic ) .
14 Deer numbers have been climbing steadily ever since the animals became a valuable resource for owners of stalking rights , and in many areas of the Highlands are now at levels which the land can not easily support .
15 The countries of the Pacific are now inhabited by half the world 's people — 2,400 million of them .
16 As a result , the paper-producing countries of the world are now facing severe problems of ground and water contamination by dioxins .
17 Some of the most gifted broadcasters of the past are now no longer with the ZBS .
18 What percentage of the workers are now in the five main industries ?
19 Other companies within the Group are now considering joining M&ETA to ensure the standard of their personnel and gain a commercially competitive edge .
20 Youngsters in the city are now being encouraged to take up more sports like short tennis to keep them interested .
21 Mini-rugby is the springboard for the game , and over 500 under 11s from various areas around the province are now in the process of attempting to reach this year 's 20-team climax at Branch headquarters .
22 New enhanced versions of the software are now available .
23 The sharp outlines of the colonies are now misted with opalescence .
24 The secular clergy and the laity in the diocese are now being asked to take part in the consultation through the Senate of Priests , the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the ‘ Catholic Voice ’ .
25 Add to this the fact that ‘ 65 per cent of workers in the UK are now part of a working couple ’ , according to , and the tensions between the time demands of home and work can lead to even greater stress problems .
26 Deposits of late-glacial age that accumulated in small closed basins within glacial drift in the valleys are now often covered by a thick mantle of peat and are difficult to locate except by extensive systematic borings .
27 After rising for decades , concentrations of ozone-depleting halon gases in the atmosphere are now levelling off , according to a study by the US National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) .
28 Officials at the Treasury are now examining Alvey 's proposals .
29 The rest of the travellers are now expected to move on .
30 Last autumn the CEGB 's chairman , Sir Walter Marshall , said that ‘ my reputation and the economics of the PWR are now most at risk from fuel-clad ballooning . ’
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