Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The fear of being deemed to be trading ( rather than investing ) in futures contracts , and so liable to taxation is thought to have deterred such institutions from using them as part of their investment strategy .
2 It will be an interim attempt to be seen to be doing something to replace the discredited poll tax .
3 In an attempt to be seen to be making every effort to avert war , Bush had proposed on Jan. 3 that Baker and Aziz should meet in Geneva .
4 It is sensible for the term to be stated to be from and including a specific date to avoid the uncertainty caused by the general law that a term which is to commence " from " a certain date in fact commences at the beginning of the following day , with the term lasting during the whole anniversary of the day from which it is granted , unless there is some contra-indication in the lease .
5 It does neither any harm to be seen to be trying to influence the other .
6 These were acknowledged publicly by no less a figure than a former Prime Minister , W.L. MacKenzie King , at the communal celebrations of Lyon 's 60th birthday and his 35th anniversary of engagement in social interests , as well as those of his friend of many years ( to whom Lyon Cohen had diverted the honour of being invited to be the Member of Parliament several years before ) , Sir Samuel W. Jacobs , KC : ‘ Our friend finds himself today , ’ , commented Jacobs , ‘ the acknowledged leader of Jewry in Canada , a position acquired by years of self-denying effort … respected by his own , and also by the larger community in which we dwell . ’
7 The ceremony , as a religious ceremony , is a mockery , yet as a social ceremony , with the gathering of relatives and friends , the honour of being asked to be godparents , the tea-party afterwards and the christening presents given ( silver objects in particular ) , the whole thing has a significant place in the lives of the people concerned .
8 I 've thought about that and I think it 's a bad policy for any museum to be known to be selling pictures or any work of art .
9 He wanted the contras to be seen to be dying for their cause , emphasizing both how desperate it was , and how just .
10 In cases before that date there was no practical difference for the plaintiff in being found to be volenti or contributorily negligent .
11 The fact that Guatemala in 1954 had ‘ returned from Communism ’ ( and was regarded by the United States as the first country to do so ) increased Soviet reluctance to be perceived to be experiencing another ‘ loss ’ in the area ( even though they did not accept that Castro was embarking on a road towards Communism ) .
12 This was more to do with window dressing and the government 's need to be seen to be doing something , rather than a serious attempt to tackle the problems .
13 Some observers suggested that the timing of the announcements reflected the government 's desire to be seen to be spending money on the countryside in the run-up to the April general election .
14 There was the application of quotas , and additional opportunities for training and development that may involve , by employers to be seen to be more encouraging and therefore more attractive to female hopefuls — wrenching the market , even , into a more equitable and efficient way of operating .
15 How , indeed , were mental states to be measured , and how was a mental state to be judged to be lessened or heightened if it could not be measured , even crudely ?
16 I also think that Mrs somewhat underestimated the formal hours required , I have noted from the er , the B M A documents setting out the charges to be expected to be levied by agencies in relation to nurses that extra hours will be charged per hour and I can foresee that if an agency contracts to provide ten hours formal care that er , it might be that with a number of carers they would find themselves very , very frequently putting in for extra hours of care .
17 In the history of social improvement and development , compacts and other examples of ‘ limited ’ ( e.g. ‘ feel good ’ ) partnership activities run the risk of being judged to be brief and enthusiastic failures .
18 Although paperwork is boring , it is not difficult to do , but there are other duties where there is a risk of being shown to be incompetent , which are disliked for this reason .
19 The nervous stress and strain of being forced to be in Ross 's company , each and every day , had really taken a heavy toll on her reserves of strength .
20 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
21 It is also considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public because sex should be a private affair , only between man and wife .
22 The international community , which has expressed overwhelming support for President Barco 's offensive , is under pressure to be seen to be doing something to help , and quickly .
23 The motivation behind the Criminal Justice Act 1972 lay in the desire of Ministers to be seen to be taking action in the field of criminal justice without any ideologically dominant objectives to fuel the legislation .
24 Corporate hospitality to be seen to be involved and to win awards .
25 for the sea to be judged to be the same colour the painter has to paint it different colours .
26 Then a complete rehearing before a differently constituted body would be needed in order for justice to be seen to be done .
27 This seems to me to be more consistent with the need for justice to be seen to be done — and this both by the alleged contemnor and the more general public .
28 In conference with Gerald Gardiner , subsequently Lord Chancellor , who had somewhat late in the day raised his flag as a member of the Labour Party , it was decided that the best course of action was for the Labour Party to be asked to be represented by Gardiner at the Vassall Tribunal and to inform Radcliffe that it had no additional witness to come to him .
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