Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the end [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 ( The guidelines towards the end of this chapter can be used to identify this group of parents . )
2 The major survey of the paintings of Walter Richard Sickert , which opens at the Royal Academy of Arts towards the end of this month ( 20 November-14 February 1993 ) and commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the artist 's death in 1942 , is the most comprehensive exhibition of his work to be staged since the Tate Gallery 's centenary exhibition of 1960 and an Arts Council touring show seen in Hull , Glasgow and Plymouth in 1977–78 .
3 Leaflets explaining all three codes of practice will be available from local tax offices from the end of this month .
4 At present , the CEGB has sufficient uranium stockpiled or guaranteed under contract to fuel the nuclear programme until the end of this decade .
5 May I please ask you to give a little time to thinking how best you personally can assist the Society to raise enough funds before the end of this year to complete our Development Plan for 1988 ?
6 Some comfort may be had by adding the following words to the end of this clause : provided that the Tenant shall have the same rights of relief against forfeiture as if the Lease had been completed
7 If you have anything to offer please make contact at the two addresses at the end of this newsletter .
8 You should walk briskly every other day , and on alternate days walk for 20 minutes at a slower pace to build up a regular routine , until you feel ready to go on to the 30-day walk back to fitness programme at the end of this chapter .
9 I shall be staggered if I am not involved with the club at the end of this month .
10 If the fasting breath hydrogen was greater than 12 ppm fasting was continued for up to 14 hours and a breath hydrogen persistently greater than 12 ppm at the end of this period was considered abnormal .
11 ‘ On the pendulum of self-exposure that oscillates between aggressively exhibitionistic Mailerism and sequestered Salingerism , I 'd say that I occupy a midway position ’ , explains Roth in The Facts — in a prefatory letter to his alter ego of earlier books , the novelist Nathan Zuckerman , who is granted a letter of reply at the end of this one and a perusal of the intervening narrative .
12 The Free Trade Association , which will create a single market between Canada , the United States and Mexico at the end of this year , has jeopardised their refugee status .
13 In addition , the landlord should not be entitled to switch banks as it may wish and the tenant should consider adding the following additional words at the end of this provision : in the event that XY Bank [ Ltd or plc ] subsequently fails to publish a base lending rate
14 If he does , someone should be facing the axe at the end of this season .
15 We can all watch for the Labour block vote at the end of this debate as a matter of principle , I could never vote in support of the Labour whip .
16 The biodiversity convention signed at the summit has been ratified by the required 30 countries and is due to come into force at the end of this year .
17 Sources for the determination of the epact and dominical letter are given in the section Reference books at the end of this chapter .
18 Compare your effort with the key at the end of this chapter .
19 Waddington is drawing upon its gallery stock ( to 27 February ) in an extension of last month 's exhibition and is featuring modern masters including Picasso , Miró , Dubuffet and Ivon Hitchens whose centenary exhibition opens at Bernard Jacobson at the end of this month ( 23 February-1 April ) .
20 Thus all the peasantry needed money to pay rents , and many needed money to pay for labour by the end of this period .
21 It really is very close to being Britain 's number one industry , and will be the world 's largest industry by the end of this decade and to turn our backs on it , or to be half-hearted about it , erm is , I would suggest , foolish .
22 The hon. Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) might have mentioned that the local health authority has committed itself to eliminating all waiting lists of more than 12 months by the end of this calendar year .
23 He aimed to operate an air route towards the end of this year , but he said it now looked likely that the service will begin early next spring .
24 The exhibition of ‘ The Cosmological Pictures ’ which has been touring Eastern and Western European cities since autumn 1991 , opens at the Tate Gallery 's Liverpool branch towards the end of this month ( 23 January-14 March ) .
25 The exhibition opening at the Hayward Gallery towards the end of this month ( 21 May-2 August ) is the most significant presentation of the art of Magritte since the survey mounted for the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris in 1978–79 .
26 Long considered one of the leading exponents of British Pop Art , and a major figure painter of his generation , Patrick Caulfield is the subject of a survey covering his thirty-year career and opening at the Serpentine Gallery towards the end of this month ( 24 November-17 January 1993 ) .
27 Olympus before the end of this week : I do n't know how desperate this is , message came via a third party .
28 She told neighbours by telephone over the weekend that she intended to stay in Spain until the end of this month .
29 Also enclosed with this newsletter is your group 's complimentary copy of ‘ Looking Good , Feeling Good ’ due for publication at the end of this month .
30 There is more about the way the rules of intestacy work at the end of this leaflet .
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