Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But strong support for her persisted in the party outside Parliament .
2 Now that Hilary was three years old , Stephen had made it clear to his own mother that the necessity for her to remain at the Manor was past .
3 Noreen quickly took her from Jock and with her brothers beside her ran through the porch of the church into the daylight .
4 There was nothing she could do to stop what must surely now be inevitable , and part of her gloried in the surrender .
5 He laughed deep in his throat , and , even as a tiny part of her rebelled against the triumphant sound , it dissolved into nothing as his mouth closed over one nipple , his tongue flicking lazily over the hard bud .
6 Judge Hoffman granted an interim order at Leeds County Court in July for her to live with the foster parents .
7 Well perhaps there was n't room for her sit in the back !
8 There was n't room for her to stay in the flat with the three other girls so they decided that Katrine should stay in Piazza Pitti in Debbie 's flat .
9 Only a drift of her stayed on the solemn air of the dining room — a drift of Parma violet and a heavy load on Nicandra 's mind .
10 And then , the next job was to make a a a crate for her to go on the railway do you see .
11 As there was very little chance of her returning to the dale , except for occasional visits , Bob had succeeded , with a bit of self-discipline , in putting her out of his mind .
12 Similarly calculated , and again perhaps no mere " encomiastic vignette " but drawn from life , is Ermold 's picture of the little Charles at his father 's hunt : By chance a little doe with the pack of hounds behind her flees Through the shady grove , and leaps through willow-woods .
13 His apparent rejection of her seems like the rejection of all mankind .
14 Her main work was centred at a refuge for prostitutes and the women under her charge became used to the sight of her arriving with the latest member of her growing family in her arms .
15 He held his hand out in a gesture for her to come into the house but in that second she knew she never could .
16 Goldin is best known for her 1986 book , The Ballad of Sexual Dependency , an account of her intimates in the seamy Seventies nightlife of New York and Provincetown .
17 Her outburst had at least got some of her anger off her chest , but she was still a prisoner , and when fresh falls of snow were forecast she felt near the end of her tether at the prospect of being trapped any longer at Rocamar .
18 Few were tempted by credit cards , debit cards , store cards or account cards to overstretch themselves , but ‘ in several moments of madness ’ Allison Battye was able to do so at Harrods , the House of Fraser store in Knightsbridge , to the tune of £2,300 on a card which Harrods had given her on the strength of her claiming on the application form that she was in employment , which was not true .
19 They agreed that John should let Margaret know that any intervention by her in the debate on immigration would be considered ‘ unhelpful ’ , and should extend an invitation for her to sit on the platform on the Friday afternoon for the Leader 's speech , sitting as far away from Ted Heath as it was humanly possible .
20 It 's sad because I shall cherish the memory of her gazing at the palms of her newly extended hands and saying ‘ Fancy .
21 The likelihood of her arrival at Brighton , the possibility of her speaking in the debate on immigration , and the nice problem of what to do with the old bat on the Friday afternoon ( a vote of thanks ? a place on the platform ? a solo entrance ? ) — these matters were all now exercising Fowler 's mind , the peace of which was not helped by the lead story in the Daily Mail : ‘ MAGGIE BRIGHTON BOUND ’ .
22 Mr Y wrote me a note , ‘ would I make some notes on her , there is a possibility of her going into the unit ’ ( withdrawal unit for disruptive pupils ) .
23 She was not gross in any disgusting way , though she had to sit down carefully , for it was a tight fit for her to squeeze into the chair with its wooden arms .
24 She had a point ; the sports clothes were in the first part of the programme — there should be time for her to change into the wedding dress for the finale .
25 Her feet felt like leaden weights , but she eventually managed to take a step , and then another , one hand held out in front of her to feel for the bed .
26 Mina went to fetch some drinking water , taking the twins with her to bathe in the marshy pool around the spring .
27 Mary Stocks , for example , helped her mother with her visiting for the Charity Organisation Society , and on leaving school became the honorary secretary of an elementary school care committee .
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