Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] was [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A note blaming social services chiefs for ignoring their plea for help was on the dashboard .
2 When civilization was no better than barbarism , the whole experiment of humanity was at an end , and it was time to clean the slate .
3 In the 1950s , the bulk of immigration was from the Caribbean , the men coming first , followed by their families .
4 Much of this loss of population was from the inner , high density areas of the large cities .
5 Its worst loss of nerve was over a Channel 4 programme MI5 's Official Secrets in which Cathy Massiter , a former MI5 case officer responsible for surveillance of the peace movement , alleged that her investigations into CND had been passed on to government ministers for party-political use .
6 But the weight of opinion was on the side of the man closest to the throne , murderous and oppressive or not .
7 In July 1857 even Kiselev believed that because emancipation with land was for the time being impossible , freeing the serfs ought to be postponed for the foreseeable future .
8 His first entry into photography was in a brief partnership with John Hay .
9 The fire brigade from town was on the scene within twenty minutes of the alarm and got it under control very quickly .
10 The High court ruled that the documentary Murder in Mind was in the public interest , but within hours , an appeal was launched .
11 A different kind of continuity was in the nature of news .
12 In conference with Gerald Gardiner , subsequently Lord Chancellor , who had somewhat late in the day raised his flag as a member of the Labour Party , it was decided that the best course of action was for the Labour Party to be asked to be represented by Gardiner at the Vassall Tribunal and to inform Radcliffe that it had no additional witness to come to him .
13 The inter-war years saw a good deal of activity in North Shields by the local branch of the National Unemployed Workers Movement ( NUWM ; see CDP , 1978 ) , whose main base of support was on the Meadowell .
14 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
15 THE last thing Norman Lamont and John Major wanted on a day when the unadjusted unemployment total topped 3 million again in spite of all the Government 's ( indirect ) efforts to set the scene for recovery was for the IMF to meddle in UK economic policy issues .
16 While we 're at it , and since the Teesdale village of Woodland was in the news on Monday , why is the most prominent of its two pubs called The Edge ?
17 This type of guarantee was in the past commonly created by the manufacturer supplying with the goods a reply paid postcard which the purchaser was asked to fill in and post , thereby accepting its terms .
18 This limited degree of representation was in an important sense imposed from above , rather than actively won through struggle from below , in the same way that the 1947 Constitution was imposed by the US occupation .
19 Anything of quality was exciting in those days , for the usual run of food was of a dullness today hardly comprehensible .
20 The other great method of investigation and discovery of information was by the appointment of select committees , governments often feeling that they could not oppose motions seeking to elicit the facts on any situation .
21 The Court of Appeal ruled that outside s.2(1) the question of dishonesty was for the jury applying " the current standards of ordinary decent people " .
22 It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Council on Disability was in the process of investigating the services different agencies are providing for disabled people — not just in relation to physical access , but also in relation to access to the network of information on different services and projects which exclude disability interests .
23 The natural place for earth was at the centre of the universe ; for water , on the surface of the earth ; for air , in the region immediately above the surface of the earth ; and for fire , at the top of the atmosphere , close to the moon 's orbit .
24 Limited though the desire for Unity was in the Labour Party , both the Communists and the ILP were anxious to take advantage of it .
25 At first , the major focus of concern was over the possibility of technological unemployment .
26 Secondly , the cry of forgiveness was for the covert bondage of unwitting sins , the habits of sinfulness that bound a lost humanity .
27 Their Lordships are satisfied with the course taken by the trial judge and are further satisfied that the adverse effect on the jury from the defendant 's point of view was in the end no greater than it would have been if counsel had not made his improper observation .
28 The greatest continuity of ownership was in the Rothermere Associated Newspapers combine and the smaller and narrower Pearson/Westminster group .
29 It is not easy to reach a general conclusion on how valuable the process of appraisal was in the school as a whole .
30 Where flows are heavy , segregation would be the norm ; elsewhere integration with vehicular traffic in calmed areas would be perfectly acceptable , provided that safety was the principal criterion and that directness of route was in no way compromised .
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