Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , one contributor argued that mainstream funding for Whiterock College was a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul .
2 THE one thing guaranteed to dampen your enthusiasm for home brewing was the uncertainty of it all .
3 In paper mills the base for wage calculation was a measure of output judged to occupy eight hours , but paper makers generally worked another four hours ' overtime .
4 Some women took to the loom , further diluting the labour supply in that branch , and others were able to enter the factories , but for many , especially in the de-industrialising South , the loss of home spinning was a real and much commented-on aggravator of female unemployment and depresser of living standards , especially marked around the turn of the century .
5 The study of animal coloration was a particularly active area .
6 During the 1930s the most commonly used piece of laboratory apparatus was the maze , often modelled on the one at Hampton Court .
7 So Morrissey 's infantile gainsaying of pop reality was the chrysalis for indiepop 's current wistful , wishful fantasy of a ‘ perfect pop ’ returning to oust the impostors in the hit parade .
8 In 1990 , the Murdoch papers ' association with Sky TV was the subject of most controversy , but that story does not belong in this post-war period .
9 A landmark in welfare provision was the Social Security Act ( 1935 ) .
10 Note that the effect on sodium nitroprusside was the opposite of that found with the NO synthase inhibitors and its administration greatly reduced the response of the gall bladder to CCK-8 .
11 In Price v.Jenkins(1877)5Ch.D. 619 , C.A. ( followed in Johnsey Estates Ltd. v. Lewis & Manley ( Engineering ) Ltd. ( 1987 ) 54 P. & C.R. 296 , it was held that a settlement of leasehold property was a conveyance for valuable consideration because the donee would have to undertake payment of the rent and performance of the covenants .
12 An integral part of mill machinery was a simple spring known as the ‘ miller 's willow ’ .
13 Under these circumstances some kind of pay restraint was a clear political necessity , not merely to placate ‘ capital ’ domestic or international but because millions of workers and their families were fearful of the consequences for their livelihood .
14 This too has its origins in subcultural theory : Hebdige 's hypothesis that the ‘ classy ’ look of Mod style was a challenge to the class structure in sixties Britain , an expression of resilient self-belief .
15 The chief reason for the perpetuation of party strife was the fact that politics continued to be dominated by issues which divided members of Parliament along Whig–Tory lines .
16 The reason why they did so was that in the case of man neoteny was an evolutionary trend largely in the service of ego and superego development .
17 Nevertheless , following the Board of Education 's Circular 1444 in 1936 it was increasingly clear that the provision of adult education was a legitimate responsibility of three providers : the universities , the LEAs and the voluntary bodies , principally the WEA .
18 In yet others , the proposal for project involvement was the result of , or was entailed in , prior developments of one sort or another .
19 Bukharin was not therefore proposing an eternal law , but indicating that the law of labour expenditure was an historical feature of human interaction with nature .
20 Deep-down below ground level was an elaborate series of lead-lined bunkers to house the clan in event of nuclear war , or even perhaps an accident at the Cernavoda nuclear plant eighty miles away .
21 Although not as catastrophic as it might have been , the Battle of East Gate was a resounding defeat for the Dwarfs .
22 The core of elite theory was the contention that democracy , in the strict traditional sense of rule by the people , is impossible : all government is government by an elite , or at best one among a number of competing elites .
23 The June issue of Tennis World was no exception , with letters and articles giving both sides of the picture being published ; the only problem is that , in their own way , they are probably both right .
24 It is also interesting to note that the issue of land inheritance was a key reason why the Irish population voted ‘ no ’ in the referendum on divorce in 1986 .
25 He said the issue of knife carrying was a major concern to Scottish people and the police and that recent statistics showed that half of all murders in Strathclyde had involved knives .
26 Before the campaign opened the key influence on poll awareness was a generalized interest in politics , but as the campaign drew to an end television viewing became more important .
27 But the principal focus for freight traffic was the goods station .
28 Before the NHS was established , critics had noted that the ‘ inverse care law ’ seemed to apply : those regions in which the need for health care was the greatest had the fewest resources .
29 Beccaria 's prescribed punishment for property crime was the fine .
30 Glasgow 's nineteenth century housing reformers were unanimous in agreeing that the nature of property ownership was a crucial determinant in the development of the city 's urban fabric .
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