Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] which [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 The ecumenical movement has reversed three centuries of division which began with the failure of the Savoy Conference in 1661 and the imposition of the Act of Uniformity , Today , Holy Communion is celebrated more frequently and with a set liturgy , often in an ‘ Anglican ’ way ; set prayers are common and sometimes take a responsory form ; the increasing use of a lectionary means that the choice of readings depends less upon the whim of the preacher and more upon an ordered scheme .
2 He also suffered from a morbid fear of castration which lingered with him throughout his life ; possessed of plenty , as he saw it , he realized how much he had to lose .
3 During the review of broadcasting which began with the Peacock Committee , one proposal for Channel Four has been under constant discussion .
4 As I recall , the grand swell of opposition which occurred with regard to abandoning the classes of corporate membership and allowing self-advertisement by members of a professional body was not heeded .
5 1.3.5 There was a need for provision which articulated with awards of other bodies eg the National Coaching Foundation .
6 Spiritual things are , therefore , the intangible products of the human mind , and are necessarily of human origin , that is , they have their origins in the period of evolution which started with the advent of life on earth .
7 Therefore I believe that man and his God have evolved together over that immense period of time which started with the advent of earthly life , reaches right through to the present time and will continue onwards forever , or until there is no longer life on earth .
8 Continuing a process of democratization which began with the election of all 950 members for the Tirupati plenum by the party 's rank and file , elections were held for the first time in more than 20 years for party posts including the 10 elective posts in the party 's most senior decision-making body , the Congress working committee ( CWC ) .
9 He says that that it shows a revival of gothicism which coincided with the development of the new classicism , and that it has clear connections with the work of Nanni di Banco and Ghiberti .
10 Appliances like cookers and water heaters tended to be used at off-peak times , but the use of electric fires was concentrated on the colder times in winter which coincided with system peak demand .
11 Most of the inhabitants of the block were walking their last circuits before being locked in , and there was an absence of noise which merged with the deepening gloom .
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