Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] be only [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can see I do n't need to explain how this parcel of land is only a few hundred yards from the newly designated railway lines .
2 On the contrary , the rules of Equity are only a sort of supplement or appendix to the Common Law ; they assume its existence but they add something further .
3 Erm , so I agree with you that the metaphor of ascent is only a metaphor .
4 If we recall what was said earlier regarding the trend in primate evolution which promoted the visual sense over that of smell and prehensile agility over terrestrial quadrupedalism , we can readily see that the definitive adoption of a fully upright posture in man is only the culmination of this much more general evolutionary tendency .
5 ‘ The future potential is enormous and the work to date is only a fraction of what could be achieved .
6 Under siege from termites , goats , mice , rainstorms and — on a final stopover in Rome — thieves , the precious pieces of paper were only a little more vulnerable than the author himself .
7 Lastly , the GCSE requires pupils to wait for the length of a two-year course before they can know whether they have been successful , whereas a record of achievement is only the most recent and perhaps summarizing statement of progress which the pupils themselves have monitored and recorded .
8 In this mode the quality of the picture on screen is only a representation of the saved image .
9 The return to use of the substance or behaviour of addiction is only the final stage of relapse .
10 The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards .
11 Our experiments with Zeta are only the first milestone along what may be a longish road , and we can not see the end of the road .
12 Overall , getting computer records submitted as evidence in court is only the first aspect of the evidential requirements companies need to address when implementing an electronic documentation system ; getting the court to accept the contents as adequate proof , or a good record , is an even more important consideration .
13 It is now clear that the change in basal-subtracted EC 5 on eradication plus healing is only a mathematical consequence of the fall in gastrin driven basal acid secretion .
14 Whilst the , the London Region speakers come into the rostra I 'll just make the point , Peggy in fact is only the third women that 's spoken this morning .
15 Gross has happily classified some 3,000 under various headings : Self-Love ( ’ To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance ’ — Oscar Wilde ) ; Love , Jealousy , Libido ( ’ No woman so naked as one you can see to be naked underneath her clothes ’ — Michael Frayn ) ; Secrets ( ’ There is something about a cupboard that makes a skeleton terribly restless ’ — anon ) and Criticism ( ’ In some cases taking up the trade of critic is only an embittered form of renunciation ’ — Albert Guinon ) .
16 Like the thought-stopping procedures the creation of pain as a means of distraction is only a short term means of interrupting intense , worrying thoughts which occur repeatedly .
17 In chapter 1 , for instance , we considered the effect which different theories of understanding might have on certain sceptical arguments ; and a theory of understanding is only a theory of meaning under another name .
18 The benchers of the Inns of Court are only the agents of the judges in calling to the Bar .
19 Using the time after one has gone to bed can avoid interruptions ; 10–15 minutes per child is only a small time out of the whole day and it needs to be given high priority .
20 The initial change in Singer from shuddering zombie to desperate fighter for life is only the first of several metamorphoses — all caught with bravura vividness in Antony Sher 's phenomenally versatile performance .
21 In this sense the claims of poststructuralists about the materiality of language is only the flipside of their claims about life being a ‘ text ’ .
22 He had got into an argument in the wash room with Clive Fairbrother , an Australian exchange student a year older than him whose sense of humour was only a few degrees away from sheer malice .
23 The suggestion of sleep is only a metaphor ; the subject does not actually drop off but keeps his attention focused on the hypnotist 's words instead .
24 His unusual topic gave Fry trouble with the title of his lecture : ‘ The mere fact that we have no word to designate that body of studies which the Germans call Kunstforschung — a body of studies of which the actual history of Art is only a part — is significant .
25 The discovery of general laws of structure is only the first step in an interpretive process .
26 I shall be suggesting in Part Two that the basic idea of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ , and of all value , arises similarly from what feels good or bad to us , and that here again this good and bad which is demoted to the role of what only feels so is ultimately the value which is really there in the world , besides which the good and bad of our social construction of reality is only a kind of useful fiction .
27 In both cases the idea of purpose is only a metaphor , but we have already seen what a fruitful metaphor it is in the case of genes .
28 This is not to say that older men do not take on the role of ‘ carer ’ , nor that the perceived threat to independence is only an issue for women .
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