Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 * Develop a register for your academic writing which avoids characteristics of speech but which you can still comfortably read aloud ( see pp. 73 – 4 ) .
2 I broke off a piece of wood or whatever it is from a tree , if that 's a tree , and flung it at one of the huge pancake things like giant water-lily leaves that floated on the surface of the water .
3 As Lisa Jardine has recently reminded us , in the obsession with dress and what it signified socially , we witness contemporary tensions and struggles between classes , between residual and emergent cultures , between the mercantile order and what it was actually ( or seemed to be ) replacing , between rank and wealth , between innate and fiscal value ( Still Harping , 141 — 2 , 1 50 ) .
4 Who owns which bit of land and what they decide to do with it has always been of critical importance , and our landscape is the result of countless human decisions taken by individuals in the past .
5 Er Robert said Charlotte who 's two and a half she 's always been pretty but erm Robert said right , mother 's babysitting on the nineteenth so organize I I 've been getting them into bed and then I 've gave them a little bit of milk or whatever they want and then they 've had toast with jam on .
6 listen to The Jam I might want to go and listen to fucking bit of heavy rock or something or bit of pop or something you know ?
7 If you had that kind of function that you you know
8 So erm seduction 's one of these words that implies more consensual type activity , implies that it 's sort of y'know kind of candle light and soft music and firelight and all that kind of thing but which it probably was n't in most cases .
9 they 've got loads of money if they they sort you out
10 Or you can say it the other way round That 'll be a negative correlation Now the alternative would be when you plot them you get a circle almost , you get , there appears to be no systematic relationship between the two So what you 'd be tempted to say is , no correlation Now I 'm gon na try and move towards how we might measure , how might we actually measure , get a measure of correlation because what you 'd be able to say is , well they 're more correlated or less correlated .
11 No ? changed brands of coffee or something they 're horrible I do n't know what she 's doing different alright lovey , okay shush shush shush shush showing her little heart out is n't she ?
12 Erm can I also draw your attention to the to the second erm part of the of the policy that would at least permit that type of development provided it it was able to demonstrate a need to be located in North Yorkshire .
13 Saw one one lad was really really sort of well okay he was n't clever by any stretch of the imagination but he just , was just a you know a sort of no-hoper and he he riled one teacher up very very badly one day cos he did n't do his homework or he was pratting about or he was you know .
14 So I mean that 's the sort of atmosphere that we we 've got to try and
15 And we it was fourth year when we done it and we 'd never been shown anything like that and it was interesting because it 's the sort of fact that you you never really think about
16 Yeah I mean this is this is erm more the sort of thing that I I had in mind .
17 They 'd come from the other way from er Snade Lane not Broad Lane , they 'd come up from they 'd come farther round , round and come in th in round the back sort of thing and we we 'd got no headquarters any more .
18 Erm another strength I think erm and this is once again point of view but it it literally is er is the track itself track access .
19 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
20 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
21 Yes the amount of machinery and changes in farming and everything it 's all just
22 It was the gateway to life and one she suddenly had no wish to pass through , one she felt a gripping fear of passing through .
23 A very early and most interesting use of this technique was that of Jahoda who asked young people at school to write an essay about their first day at work and what they envisaged it would be like .
24 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
25 ‘ Besides , as Mona will tell you , I 've reformed at the very idea of being put in clink for treason or whatever they call it .
26 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
27 Now you just said you 've got your own property to sell and that 's on the market at the moment okay , erm have you had any advice on mortgage and what we should be able to obtain on the mortgage side of things ?
28 She had brought his heart to life and what she had left in it would never die .
29 Mrs , for her part , did n't want a culture-less idiot for progeny but someone she could talk to as an adult : i.e. , she did n't want someone too like his father .
30 There is still the need for a challenge in life and a sense of responsibility or whatever you like to call it .
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