Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] made [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While the pervasiveness and uniformity of television news made it unlikely that it would influence different people in different ways , the press seemed likely to influence different readers in very different ways .
2 Department of Justice officials made it clear that they still see the pursuit of Gen Noriega as a criminal case .
3 Here , on demanding mountain roads , the yawning gaps between gear ratios made it difficult to keep the engine spinning above the ideal 4000rpm .
4 There were several reasons : most immediate , perhaps , was the need for uninterrupted production as war orders from Europe mounted ; secondly , the large size of the corporations and the new degree of union strength made it difficult to recruit the many thousands of strikebreakers for full-scale industrial warfare ; third , government pressures put the corporations on the defensive ; and finally , the entry of the United States into the war created a need for national unity .
5 But in practice the intrusion of the laity into government service made it rather less like a twentieth-century bureaucracy than it had been in the later middle ages .
6 By the 1930s , when the problems of dialogue recording made it easier to bring the world into the studio rather than taking the camera to the world ( whereas in the pre-sound 1920s it was fine control of lighting that favoured studio shooting ) , moving images — then and now called ‘ plates ’ — could be projected behind the action and foreground props or sets , provided the camera and projector were ( as in the step-printer already discussed ) exactly synchronized .
7 Indeed , Roberts herself makes the point that , for example , Anderson 's reliance upon census data made it difficult for him to see the extent of exchanges across households .
8 Surere , however cunning and even ruthless his instinct for self preservation made him , might also be an innocent .
9 It was a trip she would rather have forgotten — the cold was biting and the whispering patter of rodent feet made her heart jump every few minutes — but she knew she would have to face it again when she and Guy escaped from the keep .
10 ‘ I can see the copper on night duty made himself comfortable , ’ she muttered resentfully .
11 Just as the introduction of word processing made it easier for people to produce and maintain large documents , so desktop publishing makes it easier for those same people to produce professional looking publications .
12 Just as the introduction of word processing made it easier for people to produce and maintain large documents so desktop publishing makes it easier for those same people to produce professional looking publications .
13 The clothes of skinhead girls made them look superficially like the boys .
14 Lack of funds through University cut-backs along with his own lack of paper qualifications made it impossible for the Universities to continue employing him .
15 The high cost of rail transport made it difficult to sell fresh fish to the main English market .
16 The famous ‘ twinkle ’ in his eye and the firm yet non-interventionist finger he kept on the pulse of hall life made him a fair but firm warden at all times .
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