Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun prp] and [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The postponement , decided on Sept. 16 by the presidents of Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Russia and Ukraine , apparently stemmed from disagreements between Russia and Ukraine over control of the nuclear weapons stationed in Ukraine .
2 There is also the beginnings of a friction between Jack and Ralph over their long and short term needs , hunting and building shelters respectively .
3 Tension between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the Gabcikovo hydro-electric dam project increased during February , as Czechoslovakia prepared to resume work on the project , contrary to Hungarian wishes .
4 Brewing sources say there has recently been tension between Whitbread and WIC over the shareholding issue .
5 But the publicly alleged reasons were as follows … ’ and Thucydides goes on to give them : quarrels between Athens and Corinth over Corcyra and Potidaia .
6 FROM Barbondale , a walled track leads along the flanks of Great Coum above Dentdale and Deepdale over the watershed to Kingsdale .
7 See an interesting collection of Cook memorabilia and the story of Whitby and district over the centuries , including shipbuilding and whaling .
8 The final obstacle was a disagreement between Shas and Mafdal over the distribution of funds to their client religious institutions .
9 This style of writing focuses on facts rather than abstractions : this explains the differences in the views of Dicey and Jennings on the subject of sovereignty ; it is the reason for the disagreement between Dicey and Robson over whether or not we have administrative law ; and it is reflected in Willis 's argument against Hewart that the test of the existence of the ‘ new despotism ’ was to be found in the way in which the powers were actually used rather than how the form of the power cut across abstract constitutional principles .
10 The six-day separation from William and Harry over the traditional family holiday was the first time Diana had not seen her sons wake up to the excitement of Christmas Day .
11 On Nov. 24 , Tajikistan held presidential elections , following the protests of September and October over the republican communist party and its role during the August coup [ see pp. 38418 ; 38538 ] .
12 I have been leaving messages with Craig and others over the last four weeks asking for you to call me back , but have had no response .
13 According to the original plan , around 30 tons of plutonium " needed to supply the domestic nuclear-energy programme " would be shipped from reprocessing plants in France and Britain over a 20-year period .
14 Conflict between Russia and Ukraine over control of the Black Sea Fleet intensified during July when a Russian frigate defected to Odessa .
15 The explicit conflict between Henderson and MacDonald over the meaning of ‘ democratic diplomacy ’ was ultimately less important than the implicit contradictions in Labour 's politics between liberal internationalism and socialist nationalism .
16 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
17 Hostilities between India and Pakistan over Kashmir had ended in a ceasefire from Jan. 1 , 1949 .
18 Turkey 's Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel arrived in Nakhichevan on May 28 to attend the opening of a bridge between Azerbaijan and Turkey over the river Arax .
19 Fellow-feeling between Athens and Corinth , occasioned by Megara , is traceable as far back as the time of the Cypselid tyrant of Corinth , Periander : called on to arbitrate between Athens and Lesbos over the possession of Sigeion on the Hellespont , he awarded it to Athens .
20 The histories of Nicaragua and Mozambique over the past two decades have similarities .
21 In terms of a tripartite agreement reached between Botswana , Zimbabwe and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) , as from the end of July 1989 the refugee status of Zimbabweans at the Dukwe refugee camp was terminated , and almost all the 600 former refugees returned home freely and voluntarily [ for relations with Zimbabwe and dispute over activities at Dukwe refugee camp see pp. 33445 ; 35693 ] .
22 On top of all that came uncertainties due to the referendums in France and Denmark over Maastricht .
23 The number of people in England and Wales over the age of 75 has increased by 20 per cent since 1981 ; and those over 85 by almost 40 per cent , according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
24 The slowdown in the world economy and higher prices in Eastern Europe because of subsidy cuts have both squeezed demand , and the Gulf crisis accounts for a loss of some 350,000 tonnes of sales to Iraq and Kuwait over the past six months .
25 Jacques Delors , ’ said the message — in tones which observers yesterday took to be ironical , given the sometimes bitter sparring between London and Brussels over a wide range of policies .
26 Investors were expressing relief about a partial solution to the contracts issue , which has become entangled in the row between China and Britain over Hong Kong 's political future .
27 Charles was accused of meddling in politics and inflaming the row between London and Paris over a trade deal with America .
28 Sir Patrick was also closely involved in differences between London and Dublin over extradition and clashed with the Irish government over the validity of warrants in several cases and notably over the Irish refusal in 1989 to hand over Mr Patrick Ryan , who is wanted in Britain for alleged involvement with IRA bombings .
29 Trailed under the four-pointed flags by anxious English abbots , Pope Leo took time to ratify a bull defining the privileges of the great metropolitan church of Hamburg and Bremen over the Swedes , the Danes , the Finns , the Norwegians , and the Baltic Slavs , and over Orkney , Iceland , and Greenland , to take the place of the Pope in these regions , and to ordain bishops for them , as brought into the fold of Christ .
30 The top three Ulster outfits face the English giants in a series of friendlies at Blaris and Olympia over next weekend .
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