Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adv] [v-ing] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A former IBM Corp employee has been arraigned on seven counts of grand larceny for allegedly stealing more than $49m worth of mainframe memory boards from the company — but you 're meant to laugh at the $49m figure , because that is the highest price at which they were included in the price list , and very few customers are likely ever to have paid it ; the indictment by an Ulster County grand jury charged Carl McDonald , 41 , of Poughkeepsie conspired to steal 3,381 mainframe memory boards from IBM 's complex in Kingston , and allegedly sold the boards for $7m , a more realistic valuation , to computer firms in Texas , Minnesota , California , Canada and here in the UK ; no names .
2 ‘ The assurances are OK and we have no intention of either looking elsewhere or altering our original itinerary , ’ Smith said .
3 He is hunched over , his elbows fused to his knees and his hands pressed flat against the sides of his head , blinkering his downwards stare from the irreconcilable contrast of ever changing outside and never-changing inside .
4 For the rest of the war it was a case of just ticking over until a splendid Victory Meet in 1919 which raised cash to help build the Richmond YMCA .
5 Of those bats which use echo-location many also use sight to locate a prey at a distance , but employ their short-range sonar for actually closing in and catching it .
6 Because of his understanding of practice , he is able not only to show how police ideology is maintained , but even propose alternative models by merely writing down and presenting his knowledge .
7 They feared such a punishment for insolently pointing out that Mrs Thatcher 's pet plan for student loans was a non-starter .
8 Make a point of always having more than one project on the go .
9 Champion of the underdog and believer in the nobility of the common man , he lost no opportunity to teach his daughter the importance of never giving in or allowing herself to be beaten by lack of courage .
10 Kelman ( 1988 ) in particular takes this kind of line , pointing out that those most opposed to the Vietnam war were those who had no chance of actually going there and being in danger .
11 And when we were getting people from outside coming there and some of them quite militant they were going to sit and lay across the road .
12 While on his own home ground he knows how to do things , or how to get them done , beyond the boundaries of his home ground he knows , at best , only that he should comply with the rules without necessarily understanding why or precisely what all of the relevant rules are : he may simply go through the motions .
13 You can bring some variety and social contact into your life by simply going out and talking to people .
14 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
15 He remained doubled over for several seconds before slowly straightening up and wiping the sweat from his forehead .
16 And there it teetered for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk-top .
17 ( b ) to be able to appreciate the interlinking of everything and the force of cumulative evidence , and that what is done and learnt in school can not be divorced from what happens outside ; ( c ) to appreciate that religion challenges head-on any view that regards knowledge as something only arrived at by reasoning and scientific experimentation ; ( d ) to be concerned about conviction for or against religion , but to be open to evidence and to experience — not to have the answers all neatly sewn up , but to see life as a journey of exploration with exciting prospects and a sense of fulfilment in actually moving forward and , if necessary , changing in order to accommodate fresh insight .
18 I sold three and one of the reasons why and I think we got tremendous opportunity to develop an enormous part by just going in and speaking to people to explain to and they can relate to write lots and lots of and you can get a good grip we wo n't do it overnight , it is something you have got to develop .
19 Even the pain of finally finding out that he and Harry Martin were painted with the same filthy brush did n't hurt as much as that careless indictment .
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