Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] that [pers pn] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 It means chairman Paul Woolhouse may have to quit the club after claims that he has missed a deadline to pay for £3million worth of shares .
2 The Thatcher administration , on the other hand , ‘ do not believe that the community as a whole should continue to pay for all sorts of things that it has paid for in the past …
3 Porter seems to agree with this view , but says that the extra value obtained from putting the results of the sorts of analyses that he recommends into the matrix form is marginal compared to the value derived from the underlying analysis itself .
4 1/The attraction of this alleyway in a southern French town is not only the warmth of the stone and the wealth of textures that it offers , but the interplay of light on the time-worn steps , accentuating , if not actually creating a natural perspective .
5 The attraction of this alleyway in a southern French town is not only the warmth of the stone and the wealth of textures that it offers , but the interplay of light on the time-worn steps , accentuating , if not actually creating a natural perspective .
6 ( a ) a general introduction to the topic or concept that the teaching unit is concerned with and a brief description of its potential ( b ) very clear instructions on how to drive the program , usually including a key-by-key sequence to introduce the user to it and a clear description of the full range of possibilities that it offers ( c ) a description of some of the ways teachers have used the unit ( d ) discussion of its educational objectives and suggestions for further use ( e ) references to educational material that would provide support for this topic or concept ( f ) a full annotated program listing with specifications of the different computer systems that would support the software .
7 The problem of mental disorder is a considerable one , both numerically and in the range of needs that it gives rise to .
8 The comprehensive range of facilities that it provides makes it possible for you to create patterns for all of these popular garment shapes , to suit your own individual tensions and measurements .
9 a throng of brightnesses that she has saved :
10 A was held liable to B for trespass to his goods and to C for unlawful interference with his contract with B. However , there must be some conduct which is ‘ unlawful ’ apart from the intent to injure C , so that , for example , refusing , without any breach of contract , to provide B with supplies that he needs to fulfil his contract with C is no more a tort against C than it is against B , even though A 's motive is to injure C.
11 This remarkable young man is now so keen to share his new-found sagacity with others that he has taken to signing autographs , ‘ Safe sex , from Christian Slater ’ .
12 Senator Bob Packwood faces a Senate Ethics Committee over allegations that he has been fondling female aides for years .
13 ICI 's PLASTICS BUSINESS IS VERY clear about the sort of materials that it makes and sells .
14 At issue is whether a foreign country can identify and successfully demand the repatriation of antiquities that it admits it did not even know existed until they turned up in a museum 's collection .
15 Bloch , who had spent 30 years in the foreign service , gained international notoriety in 1989 when he became the subject of an intensive FBI investigation into allegations that he has passed classified information to the Soviet Union whilst serving as deputy chief of the US embassy in Vienna in 1983-87 .
16 I can certainly inform the right hon. Gentleman about matters that he does not seem to understand .
17 Naturally this judgement has to be tempered by the unrepresentative nature of the sample of reports that it draws upon .
18 On the other hand , it is equally true that it is through participation in the service of others that he comes to realize his true Self and his identity with all that lives .
19 Although each version is intended to serve pedagogical needs , neither one provides a pedagogically-based rationale for the selection of themes that it proposes .
20 The County Council reallocates resources from things that it sells into things like new build , new schools ; if we sell a piece of a playing field or whatever , then we will put , plough the money back into capital resources within the education service somewhere else .
21 Rights issue worries were affecting British Airways after reports that it needs to fund expansion plans .
22 A repertoire of songs that it has heard
23 When the articulative process works well , the pattern of elements that it organizes comes to seem ‘ natural ’ ; in this form it usually spreads widely through society .
24 Her personal milliner John Boyd , who has been making hats for the princess since she was 16 , said : ‘ She already has such a collection of hats that she does n't need anything new for this occasion . ’
25 ’ She already has such a collection of hats that she does n't need any other for this occasion , ’ Mr Boyd said .
26 JOHN SALAKO is to see the American surgeon who saved his career amid fears that he faces another lengthy lay-off with knee trouble .
27 JOHN SALAKO is to see the American surgeon who saved his career amid fears that he faces another lengthy lay-off with knee trouble .
28 How does that set an example to countries that he wishes to discourage from adopting nuclear deterrence ?
29 However , so long as we remain in the Community , Parliament has effectively handed over a number of functions that it has traditionally fulfilled .
30 As usual , the Minister makes a lot of statements but gives no real facts , It would be useful if he followed the Prime Minister 's example and supported the concept of targets for the number of women that he expects to see in grades 1 to 5 of the civil service in one , two and five years ' time .
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