Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] that have " in BNC.

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1 To process the order , the company would have to take labour off current projects that have been costed to yield a contribution of £5/hr .
2 anti-hunt people , the League of Cruel Sports and all sorts of other organisations that have actually asked their members not to be here today , not to cause a problem , not to divert attention from the real issues in the debate er er and cause a crisis outside for all the press and the media to latch on to , that 's not what they were about .
3 Part of the explanation lies in the succession of downward revisions that have had to be made to Pearson 's 1992 profits , which have been affected by several disappointments , predominantly among the non-publishing divisions .
4 Many of the problems experienced by the pupils are regarded by the Sutton staff as a result of emotional troubles that have been ignored by mainstream schools .
5 America and Japan are the only members of the Paris club of rich-country creditors that have not reduced Africa 's debts .
6 The process of narration involves an interpretation of these past events in light of other events that have been experienced since .
7 I could fill pages and pages with lists of self-help groups that have grown out of this discovered energy .
8 They form the largest single category of medieval manuscripts that have come down to us , and all later prayerbooks derive from them .
9 Among the mass of contradictory claims that have come out of the discovery , Climber has tried to piece together what is known and what is purely speculation in a mystery that is unlikely ever to be solved .
10 Standards have gone up consistently over the six years of the league and , although still dominated by a new wave of running clubs that have burgeoned over the last decade , more and more of the traditional athletics clubs have been paying more attention to the competition .
11 Indeed , the Soviet press supported a query by the Indian Foreign Minister , N. Rao , in May 1981 about whether to permit Pakistan to remain in the Non-Aligned Movement with the assertion that ‘ Islamabad 's policy of all possible military rapprochement with Washington and the huge shipments of American arms that have been promised can not help but raise legitimate doubts among many member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement as to whether Pakistan is legally entitled to remain in their ranks ’ .
12 The Act also tries to encourage sentencers to pass fewer custodial sentences by on the one hand extending to adult offenders the kind of statutory criteria that have been used with some success in the past on younger age groups ( see Chapter 9 ) ; and on the other hand by strengthening community penalties in the hope of increasing their appeal to sentencers .
13 In normal adult life most of us would feel insulted and demeaned if the basic value we had as human beings was described by the kind of functional assessments that have been discussed .
14 This has since been employed in the wide variety of commercial designs that have arrived following the introduction of the Hawaiian ; but for a simple and long-standing development one need look no further than Top of The Line 's own ‘ Spin-Off ’ .
15 It is ironically at the points at which Lévi-Strauss and Barthes transgress ‘ structuralism ’ that their work is most successful ; when they produce inspired accounts of the hidden meanings of cultural forms that have been taken for granted .
16 ‘ We will assist in the removal of old facilities that have been used previously in operations using radioactive or other hazardous materials , ’ he added .
17 In their squalid and cowardly decisions announced last week , they spelled out in large letters the message that , in Conservative Britain , there is one law for powerful corporations that have a voice at the heart of the Tory party , and another for ordinary individuals in urban and rural communities of Wales and England .
18 Moreover , the two extreme interpretations of the origins of social policies that have been mentioned do not exhaust the range of possibilities .
19 ‘ An accumulation of socioeconomic problems that have been developing for 25 years are closing in on blacks like a vice , ’ says veteran African-American author and social theorist Harold Cruse .
20 Past Gèdre , the landscape reverts again to its harsher , more primeval mode , as you drive through what is known as the Chaos de Coumély , a wilderness of massive boulders that have rolled down from the mountain on the left .
21 The poor receive not merely the direct financial transfer in the form of transfer payments such as supplementary benefit , but also the consumption of public goods that have been paid for by income taxes raised from the rich .
22 This guidance note has brought into the open a range of contentious issues that have been debated in correspondence and at meetings between the Faculty and the Department of Social Security 's Policy Division over the last 12 months .
23 I could list a range of new contacts that have developed in England .
24 Meanwhile , at the Boston University School of Medicine , Gladys Friedler has been studying the offspring from the pairing of healthy female mice with male mice that have been briefly exposed to chemicals about a week before mating .
25 This is in keeping with previous studies that have found EGF in the vascular endothelium immediately adjacent to basal cells in bile ducts , glomeruli , and human oral mucosa .
26 1 identify , in the course of the annual audit effort , specific local opportunities to improve value for money by reference to other steps that have already been taken successfully in other authorities facing similar problems ; 2 promote good management practice by documenting achievements and training auditors to spot potential improvements , and publishing the results of special reports ; 3 encourage — even promote — action , though ( auditors ’ ) reports to officers and members , management letters to the authority and ( if necessary ) reports in the public interest ; 4 monitor implementation performance during annual audits , drawing attention as required to any shortfall ; 5 co-ordinate the efforts of related organizations .
27 The fact that a rug is signed or dated does not imply that it is in any way superior to similar items that have not been inscribed , although it is fair to say that weavers rarely sign inferior examples of their work .
28 But much more bridging research in this field is needed so that we can get beyond pious exhortation to tested procedures that have been shown to work in the classroom as well as in the laboratory .
29 One major reason for this is an unfractured insistence on known traditions that have existed for centuries ; the absence of revolutions and occupying armies in Britain and therefore the lack of radical new beginnings as in Germany and Central Europe after World War I has had this effect .
30 I should probably update one of these days because I know there are all kinds of new things that have come out — especially things that are smaller but which sound really good .
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