Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By creating ‘ yardsticks ’ , central government may find the task of monitoring quality of service more manageable ( e.g. , ‘ if more dustbins are emptied per kilometre for a lower cost in Scotland than Gateshead , central government has useful information for appraisal ’ : Helm and Smith 1987 , p. x ) .
2 To help provide a sharper focus to current policy debates , and in preparation for a larger study of the effects of teacher education , this project will establish an up-to-date database on the nature of a range of approaches to initial teacher education .
3 National Car Parks has applied for outline planning permission for a further development as part of the proposed Cloisters centre , scheduled for land between Carr Street and Tacket Street .
4 As far as er the honourable gentleman for Edinburgh Central is concerned , he said there was a case for a wider inquiry into the auditing o of companies , well that is not something specifically called for er by Bingham although I acknowledge that a case can be made for that but I think we want to be extremely careful before extending that in the way that he and the honourable member for Great Grimsby proposed beyond the direct er responsibility to the members or the owners of the company .
5 However , it may be possible to make a case for a higher proportion of grant aid if the resources available are very limited .
6 Ed , I think argued a very strong case for a greater level of influence of trade unionists in the Party than is suggested in this reform and I can see the force of those remarks but the C E C adopted the position that we did not want to take a position of dominance to the Party Conference .
7 However , the case for a greater role for the Community in the industrial policy area does have some merit , particularly in the fields of R&D programmes and to ensure that national policies do not hinder the development of pan-European business operations .
8 I repeated that I saw ‘ no case for a further round of Beeching cuts ’ and that there had been no secret talks or plans .
9 An interim deal with Seveso would also help the company 's case for a further postponement of the trial .
10 For example , there is a case for a further restriction on the sale of knives and for licensing shops .
11 Each is supported by parliamentary , industrial and media lobbies , and makes the best use of political trends , economic factors , technological change , and the rush of world events to reinforce its case for a larger share of the national cake .
12 We believe ultimately that there is a case for the further development of budget in this case , and for the schools themselves to decide the levels of erm special needs advisers that they will want .
13 And the cost of admission for the better seats in the house — £30 and £23 .
14 but provision for the higher education of eligible members of the deaf community has never been achieved .
15 Yet in 1992 the SSC 's magnet bill was as large as the total government research and development budget for the newer technology of high-temperature superconductors .
16 Six months ago we reported interim results , fifty eight percent down on the previous year but held out hope for a stronger performance in the second half , in the event our os optimism was justified .
17 And he carried that Conservative generation to vote a motion which preferred Liberalism to Conservatism as the better future for the country .
18 Perhaps they had discovered and used their secret love-nest during the lazier days of the summer .
19 Looking to the longer term , the Company has outline plans for a later phase of developments which will include platform improvements and a visitors ' viewing gallery in the workshops but at the moment all efforts are focused on phase 1 .
20 Plans for the better distribution of population and employment were still needed , but one academic observer reported in 1957 : After 13 years the Conservatives lost office ; in the general election of October 1964 Harold Wilson won power with a slender majority of four over the other parties .
21 As chairman of the IAPS in 1908 , and again in 1921 , he made an inspired plea for a wider cultivation of a liberal humanism by all teachers of youth , actively encouraging originality in boys and affording them every opportunity to discover and develop their own interest and genius .
22 The work should therefore provide a framework for the further development of Operational Research techniques in this area .
23 More importantly , it is essential to make statutory provision for a framework of public audit in this country sufficient to ensure accountability to Parliament for the wider range of public expenditure now and in the future .
24 He said today : ‘ I think the Premier League has laid the foundations for a better future for football generally .
25 Its RTnet-OSI V 3.0 networking software suite has been enhanced to include expanded support for a larger number of X25 wide area and Ethernet local area connections .
26 Activity : Some progress was recorded at the Djibouti summit on measures to improve food security and drought and famine early warning systems , but more work needed to be done before a second conference with donor countries could be convened , following that of March 1987 , to obtain funding and technical support for a further series of projects .
27 In England , as elsewhere , ‘ even though their help could not be counted upon ’ , children and kin were providing the greatest share of support for the older generation of their families .
28 Now er we we already had a license for an earlier version of EARS which in er in fact was in Aled 's name from the last general election but one .
29 That rate of : wage inflation which can be attributed solely to union militancy can be regarded as resulting from the power struggle between unions and employers for a bigger share of the national ‘ cake ’ and between the unions themselves for higher places in the wages ‘ league table ’ .
30 Then , confident that we had n't missed many , we set course for the larger island of Whalsay .
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