Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The mother who speaks with obvious dread about a forthcoming visit to the dentist may be responsible for unintentionally passing on that fear to her child .
2 We owe another debt to the local English citizens who have restored and revitalized this building as a tangible memorial to those men .
3 A further cause for concern was Recommendation 6 , with its proposal to base grant for the coming year to each Responsible Body not only on the standards of its own work but also on the needs of the area it served and on the provision made by others .
4 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
5 Peasant revolution could achieve the immediate ‘ socialization ’ of the land and abolition of private ownership in preparation for the ultimate transition to socialist production .
6 While accepting that in the cities events would unfold much as Marx had envisaged , with a phase of bourgeois rule culminating in proletarian revolution , they insisted that in the countryside peasant revolution could achieve the immediate ‘ socialization ’ of the land and abolition of private ownership in preparation for the ultimate transition to socialist production .
7 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
8 This activity is doubly advantageous in that it helps to meet the needs of the more elderly for a variety of services and also helps to give the younger elderly person a sense of usefulness , a strong interest and in some cases a degree of insight and preparation for the inevitable transition to a greater ageing that must be faced .
9 The country is reported to be strengthening its relations with America , Germany and Canada in preparation for the UNCED summit to be held this June .
10 Some specific proposals could be made here , for example ( 1 ) a link between the St Leonard 's cycleway ( see Opportunity No.9 ) and the east end of the Meadows cycle route — eg via a suitably traffic-calmed Montague St. ; ( 2 ) a link from the West end of the Meadows northward to Princes St. A north-south route through the new developments to the west of Lothian Road is not suitable ( for this purpose ) because it would involve too long a deviation and the crossing of major roads .
11 Important investments during the twelve months to June 1991 included a joint venture between US General Motors and Raba , involving a $200 million capital injection , and between Japanese Suzuki and Autoconcern , finalized in April 1991 , representing a $150 million investment .
12 Where a chief police officer believed that a march would cause serious disorder which would not be amenable to control he could seek a ban through the local authority to the Home Secretary .
13 But there are good reasons for a principled limitation to linguistic contexts : first , the relation between a lexical item and extralinguistic contexts is often crucially mediated by the purely linguistic contexts ( consider the possible relations between horse and the extra-linguistic situation in That 's a horse and There are no horses here ) ; second , any aspect of an extra-linguistic context can in principle be mirrored linguistically ; and , third , linguistic context is more easily controlled and manipulated .
14 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
15 As he told Fred Emery on Panorama , ‘ from the moment that decision was taken to cancel the opportunity for a collective judgement to be taken , I knew that something very wrong had happened . ’
16 Even if the government did not wish to take this opportunity for a full reform to a fair voting system , the extra six seats offered the chance of creating a more proportional system by creating a so called additional member top up to ensure under represented views gained their rightful place in Europe .
17 In the case of the treaty it gave the opportunity for the Red Army to be created , which at a later date was able to go on to the offensive .
18 Resolutions 1 to 4 comprise the ordinary business of the meeting , adopting the accounts for the financial year to 27th March 1993 , declaring a dividend , re-electing directors , reappointing the auditors and authorising the directors to determine their remuneration .
19 Enterprise Computer Holdings Plc said on Tuesday that when its accounts for the 15 months to end-March 1992 , were signed last year , the group 's accountants , KPMG Peat Marwick , had not signed the audit report of its principal subsidiary , Enterprise Computer Services , the Daily Telegraph reports : the subsidiary 's accounts for that period are now in the process of being filed and will be qualified by KPMG Peat Marwick on a going concern basis ; Louis Kemp , new finance director , wants to know how it happened .
20 When Henry inherited the estate and gave permission for a Catholic church to be built in the village , Walter had violently opposed the decision , but Henry had stood firm .
21 I would like to ask permission for the following tracks to be used in addition to those listed in the letter of 5 June :
22 There might even be a case for a standardised calculator to be used in all A , AS and GCSE examinations nationally .
23 The essential feature of the family centre is that it provides a service to the whole family and not just the child although family centres may also provide other child-centred services such as day care , out-of-school activities and child health clinics. ( d ) Support at home Local authorities must make appropriate provision for the following services to be available to children in need who are living with their families ( Sched 2 , para 8 ) : ( i ) advice , guidance and counselling ; ( ii ) occupational , social , cultural and recreational activities ; ( iii ) home help ( including laundry facilities ) ; ( iv ) transport or assistance with travel expenses to and from the home so that the child may take advantage of any service offered ; ( v ) assistance to enable the child and his family to have a holiday .
24 Traders at Goldmans Sachs new London headquarters need no longer leave their desks for a minute thanks to a new system devised by CCG .
25 British Telecom is now exploiting its freedom as a commercial company to the full , where Telekom has to hand over all its hard-earned profits to prop up a grossly overmanned and inefficient postal and post-bank service .
26 In 1967 too the Warsaw Pact states declared that West Germany should recognise East Germany as the first step to meaningful détente but Brandt could not yet go so far : most West Germans still hoped for the reunification of Germany .
27 Provisional figures published by the Central Statistical Office showed the deficit for the three months to the end of March was £4.5bn , compared with £4.35bn the previous quarter .
28 Provisional figures published by the Central Statistical Office yesterday showed the deficit for the three months to the end of March was £4.5bn compared with £4.35bn the previous quarter .
29 The net adjustment of L11,750,000 million was expected to restrict the deficit for the full year to L135,600,000 million , representing 10.7 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) , slightly higher than the original budget figure .
30 Leave Luxor for a direct flight to London Gatwick .
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