Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] that [vb past] his " in BNC.

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1 But it was not his opinions so much as their force of expression that caused his hearers to stare at him in awe on these occasions .
2 Only now that he was safe did he feel a little black jet of fear rising in his chest , a gobbet of bile that filled his mouth , washing his teeth in acid .
3 He played a leading role in the $5m deal with Morrow that gave his novel Whirlwind a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the recipient of the highest ever advance for a single work of fiction .
4 It was crucial to his remarkable success in winning the nomination of his party ; without that asset it is most unlikely that he would have secured his narrow victory over Gerald Ford , but it was his insistence on remaining an outsider in spirit that limited his accomplishments in office .
5 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
6 The essential beauty showed through everywhere , and gave him a kind of timelessness that matched his movements .
7 Watching from the corner of her eye as he curled his fingers round it , she was both pleased and astonished by the look of surprise that crossed his face .
8 He rolled through the space , snapping a shard of glass that sliced his jacket and put a nick in his shoulder .
9 He avoided work as a rule , but had a quickness of wit that put his acquaintances in mind of a bright rodent .
10 The tracker , Tagan , took point , the rain beginning to mist his beard and the black mat of hair that covered his forehead , and they followed on , Fife and Drum looking wet and unenthusiastic already .
11 This sister , Elisabeth , was to count for a good deal in Nietzsche 's later life , favourably and otherwise : she eventually became the custodian of all his surviving works during the long period of incapacity that preceded his death and continued in that influential role , which she executed in a highly questionable way , for thirty-five years afterwards .
12 Benny was staring at the mound of dirt that covered his brother .
13 Here was a living , walking , strutting answer to Hollywood 's prayers , for Cagney 's personality served to sanction the suggestions of violence that characterized his films .
14 The sense of failure that haloed his bowed head made Clare conscious for the first time of his identity as a person .
15 The letter in his hand aroused in him a sense of urgency that offset his fear of the narrow enclosed footpath known locally as Dead Man 's Alley .
16 Harry was enjoying himself : he had been drinking , and was in that pleasant state of semi-inebriation that softened his tongue and turned him into a quite amiable human being .
17 GRAHAM KELLY , the Football Association chief executive , last night defended himself against the barrage of criticism that greeted his evidence in the Gary Blissett trial .
18 It was this vision of order that held his vast empire together and on his death the entire vision collapsed , and the realm rapidly fell into decay and disunity .
19 He had invested his money in a number of schemes that required his attention , and his days seemed pretty full to her untrained eyes .
20 And he concluded proceedings by almost screaming at an astonished Mrs Ann Clwyd who had been teasing him ; it was a burst of rage that rocked his high chair .
21 Briant put his hand in his inside jacket pocket and pulled out the folded sheet of paper that carried his statement , and , a little startled at the sudden wave of apprehension that swept over him , he stood up .
22 When she stepped from the car he had greeted her with careful formality and his manner had remained stiff and impersonal as they began the ride ; but she sensed a tension in him too and knew intuitively that it was not a lack of interest that kept his gaze averted from her .
23 The ripple of laughter that greeted his father 's jocular reference to the previous night 's adventure broke into his train of thought .
24 With a shout of laughter that shook his solid frame , he hugged her hard .
25 It has seemed this month as if Ronald Reagan never left town , as President Bush decisively buried his lingering image as a White House wimp with a series of interventions that stamped his own authority on US foreign policy , and America 's will upon the world .
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