Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] that [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations .
2 Delaney and Forster were engulfed in a hammering storm of water that forced them almost to their knees .
3 In setting himself such a standard , Herbert sought to fulfil the ambition expressed when he was ordained : ‘ Though the iniquity of the late times have made clergymen meanly valued and the sacred name of priest contemptible ; yet I will labour to make it honourable , by consecrating all my learning and all my poor abilities to advance the glory of God that gave them . ’
4 And yet how could the non-Russians indefinitely accept a division of labour that left them , in some cases , as ‘ raw material ’ republics , exporting their primary produce and importing more expensive manufactured goods ?
5 Although Father and Helmut did business with one another , it was their work for refugees that brought them close and endeared Helmut to Mother and Father .
6 In common with any other community , the Deaf Community has had its share of people who have performed deeds of bravery that earned them recognition from the appropriate authorities .
7 Valdo and Romario soon defied the squelching conditions with a double exchange of passes that took them through the middle of the Dutch defence before the ball rolled across a gaping goalmouth with no one to apply a finishing touch .
8 It was drawing room for people that had them .
9 The girls were , however , very much alike : wide-eyed , glossy-haired , with a hunch of shoulder and ease of hip that made them all the sisters they longed to be .
10 By entering the forest she and Allen had launched themselves into a stream of events that carried them with it .
11 They were rocket propelled bombs with wings that enabled them to be launched and to fly in a straight line until the rocket fuel was used up , then to fall on the unfortunate people and buildings below .
12 The peck landed somewhere around her right ear , accompanied by an awkwardness of movement that implied they would have rather avoided the situation .
13 Moments of panic in the national efficiency debate often orchestrated by the new popular press — enabled medics to dramatically represent their new scientific concepts in ways that gained them intellectual hegemony and popular credibility .
14 Recently , Sir John Thomas 's group from the Royal Institution , London , has used an instrumental arrangement at Daresbury that allowed them to capture both types of information on the same sample while it was actually undergoing a chemical change .
15 Nevertheless the conservatives who manned the Juntas were not provincial separatists : they were inspired , not merely by a vague programme of reform on a national level , but by a sense of order that forced them to see the necessity of a central government .
16 A blaze of glory , a fury of passion that left them weak and trembling in each other 's arms .
17 They came up with a vision of work that offered them a challenge , was interesting and in which they were in charge .
18 Consequently , cooperation was defined by the professionals in terms that allowed them , in the words of the community nurse , to ‘ intervene within the family and explore deficits in the parenting role ’ .
19 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
20 In the end , it was geography ( in the form of the river Loire ) and Joan of Arc that saved them .
21 In short Moses Moses revealed to that like the Egyptians each generation of Jews that gave them their character in general which is that today
22 And it was lack of money that stopped them going away .
23 There was a school of thought that said they should kill the human , whose mad eyes followed them around the floor .
24 This odd instructor shouted at them constantly in a tone of voice that suggested they were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above a lava-filled crater , being pursued by leathery-skinned trolls .
25 Three main schools of fighting came into being : ‘ naha-te ’ , ‘ tomari-te ’ and ‘ shuri-te ’ , named after the towns on Okinawa that nurtured them .
26 And she was on his knee , and their arms were round each other , and though the sun had gone down the garden at that moment was glorious , full of a blaze of splendour that surrounded them like a halo .
27 Subjective meanings , however , for Weber were the very constituent of actions that made them social and , hence , the subject matter of sociology .
28 She gave a loud , bitter shout of laughter that made them all stare .
29 Would we wish a return to be days when children were deported for stealing the loaf of bread that kept them alive ?
30 They were similar types : happy , uncomplicated , but with an undercurrent of seriousness that made them want to take different directions , see with their own eyes , not other people 's .
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