Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [be] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK , in 1984 a bill was introduced in parliament seeking legal safeguards to ensure that computerised personal health data about patients is available only to health professionals and not to groups such as the police , tax authorities , industry , and social services personnel .
2 The association of thought was clear only to him , luckily !
3 Furthermore , in the UK the bulk of investment is institutional rather than private .
4 In no small measure , the issue of incorporation of terms is relevant here which includes the question of notice , such as a previous course of dealings ( compare Olley v Marlborough Court [ 1949 ] 1 KB 532 ) , or trade usage ( s55(1) of SGA 1979 ) , or where reasonable steps have been taken to bring the exclusion clause to the attention of the contracting party ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1989 ] Q B 433 ) .
5 Mahat et al. ( 1986a , b , 1987a , b ) believe that in the Middle Mountain region of Nepal the loss of forest is due mainly to the increased requirements for arable land rather than to the need for fuelwood .
6 Two waves of innovation are relevant here : firstly , the permeation of Information Technology , particularly desktop publishing , across the curriculum in the 1980s and , secondly , the attempt in the last four years to position electronic , in the sense of non-print , publishing within the course .
7 Poisoning of waterways is hideous enough ; but the ability of many organisms to concentrate toxins makes it even more so .
8 Keeping him from snapping at the heels of Normandy is bad enough . ’
9 The ceremony of enthronement was simple enough .
10 The failure of the Masai to ‘ come out ’ on the side of right was embarrassing enough , but that was not the worst of it .
11 Width of stance is important only in determining how much of the body is presented as a square-on target to the opponent .
12 If the Health and Safety Executive or the Department of Environment is responsible then the Parliamentary Commissioner may lay a special report before Parliament .
13 Reciprocal placements by industry into schools is important both in terms of the quality and purpose that TPS brings to partnership activity .
14 To meet force with force is successful only if the defender is as strong as the attacker .
15 William Smith 's friendship with Clapham was strong enough to license their toleration of his Unitarian views and he kept them in touch with more liberal and heterodox elements .
16 The anomaly is increased by the fact that , under the present law , two young men under 21 who consensually commit ‘ gross indecency ’ are both liable to conviction for the offence : the rule in Tyrrell is inapplicable here , but the maximum penalty is two years ' imprisonment where the offender is under 21 , compared with five years where he is over 21 .
17 Campaigners against a proposed waste disposal complex in Renfrew are hopeful tonight that they may be within sight of winning their battle .
18 It is n't that his pleasure in masculinity is suspect so much as that all that sensuous attention tells us something else about the cult of masculinity among men .
19 By far the most damaging proposition which the Secretary of State has advanced in his 12 months in office is likely seriously and adversely to affect the standard and quality of education in our schools .
20 This line of opposition to Darwin was apparent almost as soon as the Origin of Species was published .
21 The Court of Appeal allowed her to see them , deciding that although the reports might contain information given in confidence , yet the public interest in parties to litigation being able fully to prove their case and so not be denied justice outweighed the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of pupil files .
22 In other words , as tax rate rises above 45% , the disincentive effect on output is strong enough to mean that little extra tax revenue results .
23 Steve Bloomer of Derby or Billy Meredith at Manchester were famous locally rather than nationally .
24 Sudden bursts of anger over wrongs and grievances by seamen were common enough in the eighteenth century — over wages at Southampton in 1739 , Bristol in 1746 , London in 1750 , 1768 and 1770 and Liverpool in 1762 and 1775 , and over the employment of foreigners at lower wages in London in 1773 and 1783 , are among those incidents of which we have evidence .
25 Secondly , a contract of guarantee is enforceable only if the principal contract is valid ( i.e. the one between the finance company and the customer ) .
26 The majority of the discussion so far has been concerned with the assessment of children 's artistic rather than their aesthetic development .
27 Note that the absolute values of n are accurate only to a factor of 2 up or down but that the relative numbers from planet to planet are considerably more accurate .
28 That instant of unguardedness was long enough for fitzAlan .
29 In response to criticisms that not enough was being done to inform people in high risk areas — and some level of randon is present virtually everywhere — the Department of the Environment recently sent out a leaflet to every house in the south west of England .
30 This level of command was fixed ie as General Dwight Eisenhower you would not be expected to fly planes into combat , nor as the jockey of a M1 Abrams tank could you try and effect changes in grand strategy .
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