Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 The correct beginning to a piece on tears flowing over the lobster would be for the Strand street-dwellers to be doing something — rioting , dancing in the fountains at Trafalgar Square , anything but this calm resignation .
2 Numerous food scares and the dramatic rise in reported cases of food poisoning over the last few years , plus the need to comply with European Community requirements led to the Food Safety Bill , now nearly two years old .
3 Slate we wanted to produce we want , you know if there a lot a bit of waste going over the tip , we were n't so much worried bout the waste , cos we was on the bonus we were making the slates and that .
4 Sprawled on his back on the deck , he lay exhausted under a waterfall of waves breaking over the cabin top .
5 THE late Bruce Chatwin once said that when he worked at Sotheby 's he became acutely aware of indestructible objects of art surviving over the years while generations of human flesh decayed around him .
6 Course measuring , which has been one of the most important areas of work in road racing over the past few years , has certainly not suffered for want of funding . ’
7 I do n't think either , given the succession of scandals and the aura of sleaze hanging over the Secretary of State 's quango sector that anyone would deny that in terms of value for money and financial probity , direct democratic control is a far better watchdog than the financial control systems of the Welsh office .
8 Soon after , he checked out in Vegas , the suspicion of murder hovering over the coroner 's report .
9 On one occasion the voice of Jack Peach , one of our versatile announcers , described Christmas on the Canadian west coast , including the cries of sea-gulls wheeling over the docks .
10 Outside there was the sound of wheels crunching over the snow and the creaking of a cart .
11 If an owl swoops down on the kangaroo rat , the kangaroo rat is alerted by the sound of wind passing over the bird 's wings and can evade the grasping talons .
12 The Hungarian pavilion , a hill with turrets peeping over the top , is hailed as one of the best .
13 However , Mr Palmer said that a constant video of cars passing over the Severn Bridge at the time , showed no Renault 25 .
14 There should n't have been a cattle herd of feet trampling over the grass .
15 Two days before Mark returned to England , Klepner spent a whole day with Muldoon going over the plan .
16 He guides us among its ‘ toy-like villas , each different in design and each set against a background of trees A curling road winds through , but not everything is revealed at once : a chimney for but a moment here , a turret window through a gap between two acacia trees , a gable partly concealed by the fretted roof of a conservatory , an almond tree in blossom branching over the pavement , a spot of scarlet colour made by a distant pillar box . ’
17 The plan calls for a 17 percent reduction in timber felling over the next year , but avoids offering long tern protection to the owl or its habitat .
18 Only she could see him , a gash of red streaking over the pasture .
19 In her chamber , her naked sexuality is like a flickering tongue of flame playing over the body of her lover .
20 There was an old broken mud house nearby with a fallen tower where the pigeons had lived , and trees like willows hanging over the still water .
21 A.D. 850 — a calm morning with mist hanging over the river and through the forest .
22 The special is timed for an 8.00pm departure from Waterloo to comply with the ban on daylight running over the third rail and to ensure that there is no diesel pilot .
23 I 'm not a fucking Nazi I just collect militaria I 'm not a fucking racist I just hate blacks and gun magazines instead of magazines for guns wanking over the glossy photos of chromed Lugers I 'll bet ; half of them think Elvis is still alive , buncha fucking stupid little cunts !
24 Comparisons of prey assemblages of predators hunting over the same area ( Append .
25 With the likes of Ministry marching over the hairy horizon , Eugenius and their casual like are virtually being pushed towards the mainstream .
26 Apart from ice-skating and hockey in my youth , I was not keen on participating in sport , but the sight of skiers gliding over the unmarked hills of newly fallen snow was enticing ; so when the actor Jack Bowdry invited me to have a go at the ski-run atop Grouse Mountain , across the inlet from Vancouver , I agreed with alacrity .
27 But the reward for setting off early is the sight of dawn breaking over the South Rim and spilling into the Canyon .
28 Economics and geography could be altered by human , at least European , agency : ‘ Reversing the trend of people going over the border is the long-term objective ’ ( whose objective — whether that of the World Bank , of Britain , of other unnamed financial interests , or even perhaps of the Lesothans themselves — is left unclear ) .
29 It was also planned to extensively landscape the road with tree planting over the next 12 months to make it blend in with the surrounding area .
30 There is very good agreement between the predictions and the observations , and the method has been used to produce charts showing short wavelength variation in compass heading over the Gulf of Mexico .
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