Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] within [art] " in BNC.

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1 For too long we have allowed ourselves to become bogged down in interminable discussions about organisation both within the classroom and outside it .
2 The checks and balances of the US system lead to a fragmentation of power both within the executive and between it and the legislative branch , while executive dominance within the Canadian parliamentary system assures a more unitary approach .
3 Often the types of process in one class are very wide , consequently changing from one use to another can lead to odour nuisance yet no planning permission is required unless a condition had been attached at the time of the original planning permission prohibiting a change of use even within the same use class .
4 By taking the ‘ contextual ’ norm as one of his defining factors , he avoids this difficulty and locates his framework of analysis firmly within the text itself ( see Riffaterre 1959 and 1960 ) .
5 However , as Lim and Foo ( 1987 ) argue , it is difficult to generalize on the impact of TNC employment on different groups of women even within the same society .
6 The examples given in Table 6.1 refer to the kind of experience well within the capacity potentially of everyone , and may be so much accepted as part of everyday life as to go unnoticed .
7 Tim Carter is an enthusiastic advocate of contextual music history : a style of history that locates the conception , production , transmission and consumption of music firmly within a social , religious , economic and political context .
8 The Archive comprises a library of computerised data on a wide range of topics mainly within the fields of social and economic information .
9 And that caught the interest of everyone straight away er , budgeting , how to be able to look at banking etcetera , and I said well and I want you to do that first so I do n't mind mainly because I was gon na work wi with Anne about the , with the environments , and then it 's science , could n't cover with the with the environment that she would like me in tutorial to do and er she has n't , well it 's not her now , unfortunately , I think it 's Sue that is supposed to be working with me cos I want to do something on recycling of rubbish etcetera within the school and do a big sort of er project on it .
10 It is possible to do this sort of analysis only within the arthropod phylum , because only that has enough species , with enough measurable features .
11 The student will develop the skills and knowledge required to process client requirements for air travel sold in and ticketed in the UK for journeys both within the UK and originating from the UK ( SITI ) .
12 The growth of German industry , the flight from the land , the Ostflucht and the ending of serfdom had all broken the bonds of the Prussian feudal system ; had caused a massive upheaval in terms of social and geographical mobility ; had caused a radical change and development in German class- and national consciousness , and had created problems of identity deep within the German consciousness , precisely because they took place much later than in the west European nations .
13 Engineers were dominated by craft unionism which divided them by organization and levels of skill even within the newly created Amalgamated Engineering Union .
14 All subjects used in these studies were leading normal life-styles ; the vast majority of them had levels of lead well within the normal range .
15 The diversity of collections even within a single museum demands instead a flexible series of management devices .
16 The 1992 aspect has attracted an unprecedented amount of attention both within the Community and in the rest of the world .
17 It seems to me that the Dinka language , unlike modern , educated , and for the most part metropolitan English , compels its speakers to integrate the moral and physical attributes of persons together within the physical matrix of the human body .
18 To provide a high standard of service cost-effectively within the resources available
19 It should not be forgotten that there are different systems of law even within the UK , so that even for domestic sales such a clause avoids a potential source of confusion .
20 There was little discussion of policy either within the majority or with community representatives .
21 Most of the mass is made up by vast deposits of octiron deep within the crust .
22 We would also like to make contact with schools that make special efforts to interest students in science either within the class room or in extracurricular activities .
23 also like to make contact with schools that make special efforts to interest students in science either within the class room or in extracurricular activities .
24 Under the Poor Law many children found themselves bound to either masters or mistresses who exploited them and at times treated them with great cruelty , while our own age has learned with shame of the extent of ill-treatment even within the family .
25 A flexibility in tackling problems will , however , be necessary since they are by no means amenable to a single rigid set of solutions even within the same country .
26 The disorders that prevail in prisons have deep roots in injustices both within the criminal justice system and more widely .
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