Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [noun prp] over the " in BNC.

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1 I should mention that there are no complaints about the recent caravan rally in a field off Gubberford Lane over the May Day Bank Holiday ; I am simply seeking clarification of the regulations for future reference .
2 I 'm playing the evil Red Queen in a play about Snow White over the Christmas Season .
3 Mr Lutz Stavenhagen said that he expected 11 out of the 12 EC leaders in Strasbourg to endorse the proposal — a reference to the renewed isolation of Mrs Thatcher over the issue .
4 Alfred Gomolka ( CDU ) resigned on March 16 as Minister President of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania over the privatization of the five main shipyards in the region .
5 Christopher Boyle and Darren Mills had struck a deal with David Hawthorne over the sale of t-shirts .
6 Merson is controlling his diet and craving for fast-food in a bid to lose a few pounds excess weight , but spoke out yesterday to nail the lies that he has had a bust-up with George Graham over the battle of the bulge .
7 This line did not meet with the approval of the IRA hardliners , who have escalated the violence in Northern Ireland over the last year to an intensity not seen since the worst days of the 1970s .
8 A better memorial to him is the statue of Cardinal Wolsey over the gate to Christ Church College , Oxford , which he caused to be erected and underneath which he is named in a Latin inscription .
9 The new Bishop also paid tribute to the Ministry of Bishop Harris over the past 14 years .
10 ‘ I had rather a rough passage with Canon Wheeler over the sermon , ’ she said , and explained .
11 A total of 15 US military personnel were reported to have lost their lives in El Salvador over the past decade .
12 But it certainly was not all rest and relaxation for Courtney Walsh over the winter .
13 Maggie knew the source of her own fear : in her anger she had so nearly , so very nearly , launched herself into the air , growling a dragon 's fury , sparks flying not from her eyes but from her mouth , raining blows from above , hovering over the teacher like St Michael over the devil .
14 neighbour of Krook 's who , with her friend , Mrs Piper , leads the gossip in the court where they all live and is occasionally at variance with Mrs Piper over the behaviour of their respective children .
15 In order to focus the attention on the official opening of Norseman Park , a unique set of events took place at Red Lake over the weekend of July 25/26/ Organisers involved the whole township in myriad different functions , ranging from a fly-in pancake breakfast , Norseman loading competitions ( using the fuselage hulk of CF–GBI ) , float pumping contests , pilots discussions and lectures , to a street fair , in which the whole of the main street in Red Lake was closed to traffic , marquees were erected , street bands played , food and drink was consumed and a carnival atmosphere was enjoyed by all .
16 But it is one thing to thumb your nose at Mr Gorbachev over the Kremlin wall , as many thousands did in a demonstration in Moscow last weekend .
17 A stone in Altarnun churchyard , carved when he was about fourteen , shows a dove flying into the sun 's rays and a head of John Wesley over the door of Altarnun 's Methodist Chapel was carved when he was eighteen .
18 This incident set the pattern for my relationship with Frank Dick over the ensuing seven years .
19 ‘ There will be a much stronger Courtaulds presence in Viet Nam over the next five years , ’ he said .
20 Of all the campaigns Mrs Whitehouse has been involved in , one of the most contentious was the private prosecution of Michael Bogdanov over The Romans in Britain .
21 The objective in 1993 is to make our budget , which is achievable providing we stop scoring own goals as we have done in th Northern Area of Wimpey Asphalt and the Eastern Area of Wimpey Hobbs over the last two years .
22 In August , for instance , the RTC filed a $400m claim against Arthur Andersen over the Benjamin Franklin Savings Association ( see ACCOUNTANCY , September , p 16 ) .
23 A CHURCH minister 's plea to John Major over the closure of old people 's homes in County Durham looks to have failed .
24 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
25 The lieutenant had then flown the banners of the king of France and the church of Le Puy over the barbican at Vic-de-Bigorre , and had refused to countenance Roger-Bernard 's protest on behalf of his sister-in-law .
26 Mr Kinnock also sprang a surprise by restoring Ms Clare Short to the front bench less than a year after she resigned as spokeswoman on Employment in an acrimonious row with Mr Kinnock over the party 's stance on the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
27 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
28 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
29 The UDA had been blamed for about one-third of the killings of civilians in Northern Ireland over the previous 23 years ( more than 2,000 civilians having been killed during this period ) .
30 We have already noted the erotic fantasies of men like Jelinger Symons over the appearance and behaviour of the pit girls .
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