Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [noun sg] [vb mod] now " in BNC.

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1 In theory , therefore , just as with the Macintosh , a single piece of PC software can now operate in any hardware configuration the user desires .
2 We sincerely hope the Welsh Affairs Committee and the weight of public opinion will now jerk him into action .
3 Their examination profits from the use of ultra-thin sections ( Chapter 4 ) , employed initially in studies of carbonate diagenesis ( Lindholm & dean , 1973 ) , so that initial research into mudrock diagenesis can now be carried out with a good petrological microscope .
4 However , the Ministry of Agriculture 's advisory committee on pesticides in drinking water may now recommend a ban or restriction on its use .
5 I now turn to the adoption minutes of city hall and now it is a process of in that city hall did not endorse a recommendation from the finance panel , the budget that came from finance panel erm so we are in the slightly unusual position of having to debate the proposals of finance panel as we were recommended to do by city hall , erm that means as I understand it that er the chair of city hall will now present the annual budget statement erm and since he is going to do that in a form of an amendment er that seven other unusual features about the way in which we would normally do it which would mean that there would be er a budget statement and where there would then be the the formal proposals and amendments themself , erm so what I would propose is to try and make sure that everybody has , has maximum opportunity to have their say erm because no two amendments can be on the floor at one time er to take what the leader of the council said first of all erm then to allow the other two leaders to present their budget alternatives as it were , without it be , this is just not did n't take it at that point if they do n't want to .
6 Composite three , contributions earnings related scale , due for debate on Wednesday afternoon will now be moved by Liverpool , North Wales and Irish Region and seconded by Southwestern Region .
7 Doctors for Tobacco Law will now take up an important role in the campaign , working closely with ASH , the British Medical Association , the Coronary Prevention Group , the British Heart Foundation and many other medical organisations .
8 The specificity of enzyme immunoassay can now be confirmed with recombinant immunoblot assay .
9 All the empirical evidence in favour of accuracy order can now be shifted by sleight of hand in support of the notion of natural acquisition .
10 The end of family rule may now give Congress a chance to reunite .
11 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) , which blames leaching from the sites for much of the pollution of waterways , commented that meeting statutory requirements on water quality would now be " much more difficult " .
12 Many categories of street furniture can now be listed — pillar boxes , telephone kiosks , drinking fountains and bus shelters .
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