Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 By the mid-twenties , on average , most men and women will be satisfying their search for relationships through either a series of relationships or one stable relationship .
2 The loss of access to even a small plot in the open fields affected many , but far more were affected by the loss of common rights .
3 Others pack up a tent , put the dinghy in the back of the car and disappear up to the west coast of Scotland with only a collection of Arthur Ransome books for company .
4 The Great Barrier Reef , running parallel to the eastern coast of Australia for over a thousand miles can be seen from the moon .
5 This predicted 91% of fetuses who became distressed in the first stage of labour , and combination with ultrasonographic estimation of the volume of amniotic fluid improved prediction to 100% with only a slight fall in specificity .
6 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
7 Base surges spread out radially in all directions from the base of the rising ash column , rolling down the volcano at speeds of nearly a hundred kilometres per hour and covering an area of more than 230 square kilometres .
8 Experimental phonetics has been an important part of phonetics for almost a century , and experimental work in phonetics laboratories has produced many important discoveries about how speech is produced and perceived .
9 Belgium had been a part of France till just a year before , and many folk in this part of the province resented being made a part of the Netherlands .
10 The -300 Sal 5'ESV and -300 Sal 3'ESV constructs contain a 220bp NcoI-PvuII fragment from the SV40 enhancer which was modified by addition of linkers to either a BamHI fragment or a SalI fragment and placed at the 5' and 3' end of the -300 Sal construct , respectively .
11 Here 's a simple solution for the regular monthly saver looking for an excellent level of return for quite a modest investment .
12 The first based on er a quota system which effectively is quoting copies , i.e. the noise rating of aircraft on quite a wide number of and the second system and more recent system is one which is based solidly upon er a number of .
13 This may range from small areas of earthworks within or at one end of a settlement , to large areas of earthworks with only a few farms and cottages in use today .
14 Sir Adrian Cadbury is not one of those who subscribes to the popular theory that a truly professional manager can take over the helm of any type of business with only a superficial knowledge of the nuts and bolts .
15 In 1922 the percentage of households without even a plough was 32.7 in the Central Industrial Region , 33.6 in the Siberian guberniia of Omsk , and 55.8 in the guberniia of Tsaritsyn to the south of Saratov .
16 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
17 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
18 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
19 The success of modestly-priced courses such as East Horton and the increasing popularity of driving ranges , where anyone can turn up with a three wood and a five iron and whack a basket of balls for just a few pounds , shows that golf can still thrive in the recession — if the price is right .
20 He had been immersed in the clean up work for nearly a month and he wanted to be with friends who restore and collect aircraft and who could empathise more fully than most with him about the size of the task and who also might offer some constructive ideas ‘ At first I was in shock , it was too much to comprehend ’ , shared Kermit .
21 For example , in a survey I carried out on the membership of the National Trust — one of the largest voluntary associations in Britain with over a million and a quarter members — it was decided that topics should include such things as how people came to join , how they felt about the payment of subscriptions , how much they read of the literature the Trust sent them , what their main interests in conservation were , how active a part they wanted to play in the work of the Trust , and so on .
22 They were promoted by local landowners and farmers or industrial and commercial interests and even by the clergy , and their active promoters in groups of around a dozen ran their affairs at monthly meetings , employed the paid surveyors and labourers and contracted for repairs .
23 So the relative cheapness of having correspondence in string with just a fax machine dotted around the place instead of having machines and cameras and sound crews .
24 I once defended a small village on Trieste from over a hundred of these things .
25 from er statement banks for pupils for quite a long time and why
26 Mr Ramsay said sorting out Mr Bond 's finances would take a team of accountants at least a year , with the investigation stretching around the world .
27 But from the British point of view at least a breathing space had been secured .
28 In other words , the intervention of consciousness in either a developed form ( Wigner 's friend ) or at a more rudimentary level ( Schrödinger 's cat ) seems to provide the latest link in the chain at which the matter could be settled .
29 Almost any substantial group of buildings with perhaps a shop , or village hall is today called a village and this leads to great confusion , both for researchers looking at earlier arrangements , and for the inhabitants for whom finer definitions are not needed .
30 Joanne Lockyer has hunted day and night since 16-year-old Keith vanished four days before Christmas from outside a south London nightclub .
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