Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] could be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On this basis , a notice issued under a procedure relating solely to general board notices but which operates de facto as a rule change could be open to challenge .
2 Within the overall context of increasing pressures upon manufacturing industry , both regional policy and labour availability could be significant to firms to contrasting degrees and in different combinations .
3 The shock waves caused by the resignation of ALAN PHILLIPS as Cardiff coach could be rippling around the Arms Park for quite some time .
4 The proposed investors in the management buy-out could be liable with the buy-out team if they acquire and misuse confidential information , when they knew or ought reasonably to have known that it was obtained in breach of the director 's duties .
5 MOVES to allow a British Rail sell-off could be complete within a year .
6 Instead of a placid colony , Large warned , the honey collector could be surprised by an aggressive stinging mass .
7 Thus , Jones and Goethals ( 1971 ) , reviewing this and similar studies , argue that the primacy effect could be due to one of three possible causal processes : attention decrement , discounting , and assimilation .
8 ‘ I have reason to believe that Nader 's business contact could be involved with a terrorist organisation .
9 Tribute payment could be compatible with autonomy , because ‘ autonomous but tribute-paying ’ is to be the status of some cities in the north after the Peace of Nikias ( Thuc. v. 18 ) .
10 It has been estimated that the capital cost of a 1,000 MW installation on the UK coast could be comparable with the cost of a conventional power station of the same capacity but this does not take into account the amount of R & D necessary both to develop a 2MW , 100-metre diameter aerogenerator and to design the kind of structures and transmission systems to withstand the rigours of the ocean .
11 She could n't accept that Christ ’ s body could be present in the sacrament and at the same time physically in heaven at God 's right hand .
12 In some examples where the stress mark could be confused with the simple quotation mark we have underlined the stressed syllable .
13 I had recently read that in America , research had suggested that Neon Tetra Disease could be due to a virus of the liver .
14 In five of the six companies it was found that the planning department could be involved in special projects on an ad hoc basis .
15 Some analysts believe that Deutsche Bank could be one of Paribas 's suitors .
16 If there were any lingering doubts about the wisdom of Smith 's design , as to whether light brass stringing could be successful with such a bridge , they were dispelled immediately .
17 Doing jury service could be one of them .
18 Paul Taylor 's left-arm pace could be valuable at Calcutta , where the ball tends to swing , but for him to play in the first Test after barely a month of his first trip overseas would be a gamble .
19 Technically your state pension could be subject to income tax , as it derives from the UK .
20 The Highlands and Islands ' possible eligibility for European Community Objective 1 funding status has raised hopes that the mooted Highland University could be one of the first projects to benefit .
21 Notice that each paragraph question could be worthy of fuller treatment ( i.e. an essay title ) in its own right .
22 If a program is licensed by a publisher , the program author could be liable in negligence even though he is not a party to the licence agreement .
23 Theoretically , the IgG subclass distribution could be different in superficial as opposed to basal lamina propria .
24 Some argue that the technological barriers to improving silicon chip performance could be overcome with a little effort and imagination without recourse to more esoteric elements .
25 ‘ I find it hard to believe Master Lorimer could be responsible for your condition , ’ droned the butler .
26 Dr Dan Tunstall Pedoe , consultant cardiologist at St Bartholomew 's Hospital , London , and chairman of the British Association of Sport and Medicine , said heart disease could be present in people who appeared extremely fit .
27 In an attempt to provide concise information on this point I have gathered together details of all the surviving English harpsichords from the period 1700–1744 , judging that nothing outside this time span could be relevant to the Mercier picture .
28 With state-sponsored terrorism anyone from an ambassador to an embassy chauffeur could be one of them . ’
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