Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] be [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works it was held that demolition powers vested in the defendant Board were to be subject to notice and hearing requirements .
2 If a lavatory seat is to be responsible then it is more likely to be the male who suffers .
3 An essential part of the research process is to be able to locate the data required as quickly and easily as possible .
4 One of the popular reasons for buying a knitting machine is to be able to knit very quickly .
5 This information is necessary if the test user is to be confident that the linguistic abilities which the test purports to measure are indeed the abilities that are actually measured .
6 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
7 The therapist 's objective at the end of the assessment period is to be able to make an approximate formulation of what is going on , and to suggest a provisional treatment plan .
8 This arrangement is vital if long-term co-operation and co-ordination in user education is to be successful .
9 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
10 Principle , as well as expediency , therefore ensured that public service broadcasting was to be impartial .
11 If your dining room is to be separate from your kitchen there should ideally be easy access from one room to the other .
12 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
13 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
14 The Report echoed some of the criticism advanced by witnesses that the WEA could not decide on its future and , at least in some Districts , had lost the pioneering spirit , but concluded nonetheless that ‘ voluntaryism as exemplified by the Workers ’ Educational Association is essential if the spirit of adult education is to be preserved' .
15 Earlier his office issued a request for information to United Airlines , whose $6.8bn staff buyout is to be part-financed by $750m from British Airways .
16 It was not clear from the report which items of library expenditure were to be involved in that figure .
17 The most common mistake that bands make on their first recording session is to be underrehearsed .
18 When the inflation rate is expected to remain constant over time , the normal position of the yield curve is to be upward-sloping .
19 A ‘ baby boom ’ now could provide a large number of teachers in 20 years ' time ; but if in 15 years ' time , the birth rate were to be low , there would be insufficient children for these teachers to teach ( unless pupil/teacher ratios were to be changed ) .
20 As any of the information in the Figure 1 may have a bearing on a section in question , it can readily be seen that advanced hyper-text features are needed if all the relevant subject matter is to be available and easily reached in the electronic medium .
21 It emphasises , too , man 's primitive belief that if his real life task is to be successful , then it must first be enacted in the magic made by dance ( see page 15 ) .
22 You will have your own way of dealing with these reactions but one of the teacher 's functions in a group playback session is to be aware of individual reactions of this kind and to steer discussion away from subjective comment if necessary .
23 It was not only in the area of economic ideas and cultural criticism that the First World War was to be important to the roots of British fascist thought .
24 This means that it must be growing in area and that , consequently , the total area of all the other plates must be declining if the ‘ constant area ’ assumption of plate tectonics is to be satisfied .
25 PLANS for one of the most ambitious civil engineering projects envisaged for the North West are to be left gathering dust .
26 PLANS for one of the most ambitious civil engineering projects envisaged for the North West are to be left gathering dust .
27 The essence of rational scientific problem solving is to be able to perceive the complex , ‘ messy ’ , real world in such a manner that the solution to any problem may be easier .
28 I understand that the Portmarnock match is to be all-ticket , and while in one way this is a bit of a pity , it is also understandable .
29 However if the EC directive is to be satisfied lambs exported live for slaughter will have to carry a flock mark in their ears . ’
30 The first thing you will teach your Rottweiler puppy is to be clean in the house .
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