Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The operation , centred on an address in Sanderson Mews , was undertaken on Friday afternoon and resulted in three arrests .
2 Since then the effigy has been displayed in his highly decorated sarcophagus , dressed in sumptuous clothes embroidered with gold and silver thread and studded with precious and semi-precious stones .
3 Dr Acland said she became progressively weaker through blood loss and died within 10 minutes .
4 As it descends towards the mantle it melts ; thousands of deep-focus earthquakes are triggered as gobbets of molten rock screech and burst against each other ; the edge of the upper plate , meanwhile , contorts and rises tortured into the air , producing a range of soaring peaks .
5 The foreign secretaries of the two countries did not deal with the political issues in the Kashmir crisis but focused on military confidence-building measures .
6 Five millilitres of cell free plasma were added to the cell suspension and centrifuged at 100 g for five minutes .
7 Five ml of cell free plasma were then added to the cell suspension and centrifuged at 100 g for 5 minutes .
8 We turned north along the Shyok gorge and passed through some of the most incredible scenery that any of us had witnessed .
9 In July 1988 , the Minister sent a copy of the report to the Serious Fraud Office but decided against immediate publication , and , following advice from the Director of Fair Trading , did not refer the takeover to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
10 I climbed into my sleeping bag and slipped from one dreamworld into another , waking a few hours later to drift down through birdsong in the cool forest to the jarring heat and bustle of Aviemore .
11 Though Glasgow Polytechnic required the support of the safety net , its vice-principal , John Phillips , argued that it had competed well when with its Queen 's College partner and emerged as one of Scotland 's leading three or four universities .
12 Help from industry has provided a welcome boost to the restoration of R-Robert , with the bomb beam assembly restored by Dan-Air Services at Lasham , the outer wings were rebuilt by Monarch Aircraft Engineering at Luton , the port engine has been put back into original condition by British Airways Engineering at Heathrow and the cockpit canopy frame donated by the RAF Museum and reglazed by British Airways .
13 He 's a man who erm is qualified in the field of computer sciences and if your Lordship will hear has worked throughout his life in the fields of computers , banking and er in March of nineteen eighty five he left employment with a company known as Data Logic Limited where he had been employed as a banking consultant and decided at that stage er on a change of career erm and he was looking principally to acquire a wine bar , restaurant , country house hotel , something of that nature and er you will hear that after some early disappointments in the earlier part of nineteen eighty five when deals that er were on the horizon for premises in Oxfordshire and then in Chichester erm in early September the plaintiffs er saw and liked the wine bar in and offered the price of , the asking price of seventy five thousand pounds with stock er which was accepted .
14 of the criteria and try to allocate those which would fall under the structure plan umbrella , those which would be more applicable at local plan level and added to that , give some form of weighting .
15 Lane , 31 , who opened with a 20ft birdie and went within four inches of an albatross two with a one iron at the eighth , matched the two-under par 286 of Canizares , who led by five overnight but three-putted the final green for a 74 .
16 At the great Adam , Eve and Immaculate Conception church near the river , I stood with others in the marble hallway and listened to beautiful female solos soaring praises up to Heaven .
17 Frau Nordern snapped a good-night back and stormed out of the Station , and such was the mood showing on her face there on the S-Bahn a railway policeman checking tickets did not ask for hers but wisely changed carriages at Lichtenberg station and looked for other prey .
18 200 soldiers in 60 armoured personnel carriers crossed Friendship Bridge on the Oxus river and passed into Soviet Uzbekistan .
19 Some managers found it ‘ painful ’ to relinquish their traditional directive management style and moved to other parts of the company .
20 Henry dialled the number of Charing Cross Hospital and asked in low tones for the poisons Unit .
21 From 1972 he was also a dancing master and served as principal teacher until his final illness in 1991 .
22 This customer went over to our cash till and said to one or our staff Maggie Rodan : ‘ This book could almost make you faint ’ .
23 Cells were pelleted in a microcentrifuge tube and resuspended in 6 volumes of high-salt buffer ( 10mM Hepes , pH 7.9 , 400mM NaCl , 0.1mM EDTA , 0.5mM DTT , 5% glycerol , 0.5mM PMSF , 1mM Benzamidine ) .
24 The US State Department , while reaffirming its support for Mobutu remaining in power during the period of transition to democracy , also accused him of undermining the reform process and warned against further military attacks on peaceful protesters .
25 The muddy track skirted the precipitous drop to the water one hundred feet below , then descended to the stream edge and meandered through ancient alders with red-tinted catkins , through poor pastures , passed blackthorn covered in deep purple sloes withering on spiny twigs and wound upstream into open moorland .
26 One joined the strike support committee ; several started going to branch meetings ; one became a shop steward and served in that capacity for five years .
27 The 7,210 ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks in the Bristol Channel and broke into three .
28 Jack sat down in the basket chair vacated by Alison , making it creak prodigiously , hauled himself up again , found a hard upright kitchen chair and sat on that .
29 Just look at the success that German Shepherd breeders had when they methodically examined their breeding stock and bred from those with the best hips .
30 She performed with great natural charm in a television interview and marvelled at all the stretch-limousines she rode in .
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