Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [coord] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As mentioned above , a comprehensive programme should be prepared for the whole job , but when the contractor is appointed he will prepare his own contract programme and there will inevitably be a need to adjust the surveyor 's programme in order to harmonise with the activities of the contractor .
2 Well I think what I 'll do , if I go round by the market I can drop you there by the multi-storey car park and you can then just walk through to Baston 's ca n't you ?
3 Turning to investment banking and I should just remind you that er , we take fifty percent of Brothers ' profits and ten percent of New York and Paris and given the conditions , given the environment last year , I do n't think need be ashamed of the performance er , although in London the only business to really come in , come in with impressive returns was er , asset trading money , broking and banking .
4 An exhibtion of his work is on at the Midlands Arts Gallery and you can also see his work at the Malvern Festival at the end of May .
5 It is obviously sensible , given your knowledge of the sector , to utilise you [ and your in house experts ] in the search process and we will very much welcome feedback from you at every stage of the search process .
6 You almost never find all the symptoms of the case in a remedy picture and you will never find all the symptoms of a remedy in the disease picture of the case , so do not look for it or try to fit it all in .
7 The initiating member should offer an incentive to all Network members to encourage the submission of original prospective purchaser suggestions , in the form of a success fee equal to , for instance , 10% of the total estimated engagement fee and which would only be payable to a Network member 's firm if the following conditions are satisfied :
8 The most important deserted villages and other abandoned medieval settlements will probably be listed already by the Medieval Village Research Group and there may well be surveys and air photographs available .
9 I am the delighted winner of the Outdoor Action Splash competition and I 'd just like to say that Andy Middleton and his colleagues gave us a great time on our week 's holiday at the Twr-y-Felin outdoor centre .
10 Simply send off your entry form and you could soon be celebrating your success with , naturally , a glass of Champagne !
11 Shock affects the blood pressure and you should neither smoke nor drink alcohol in a state of shock as this further affects the blood pressure .
12 This air is richer in carbon dioxide and it will thus quickly replenish the carbon dioxide you have been blowing off .
13 The boundary between the mantle and crust represents a significant change in rock density but there may also be differences in chemical composition .
14 Thus the FA would have to pay us a decent fee , did n't someone mention £15 mil and we could then go out and get a good manager ( Terry Yorath etc etc ) plus we 'd have a fair share of the £15 mil to buy players i.e a really good center back and a good striker ! ! !
15 I used to find myself walking the landing bladed up and it only needed one word out of place and I 'd turn them into a Tetley Tea Bag and I 'd never get out .
16 Of course , you can hand the whole thing over to a direct mail house but there may still be additional and expensive packaging to design and pay for .
17 Then there was the reality that yes our three tropical experts had flown through the questionnaire stage and impressed the producer more than sufficiently at the interview stage and they would now be appearing in front of 14 million viewers , battling it out with another team , unknown until the actual day .
18 Alternatives would be offered in the curriculum plan but there would also be opportunity for many other alternatives hopefully designed at teachers ' workshops .
19 Our thanks were properly offered to Vince , Geoff , Carol and Sue for their expert demonstration and we shall never see either Kevin or Phil in the same light again .
20 I do n't still have it , no , no it had got knocked about a bit , you know , being moved hither and thither and the other people have had it a bit as well as us , because we bought it from the people who lived next door when they left you see , cos when we started in here , we did n't have any carpets on these floors or under here it 's brown Marley tiling and I can still show you that
21 And , so it 's very loud on the dance floor but you can actually talk out , out here .
22 But we are determined that bait digging will not take place on Budle Bay and we will rigorously protect it , ’ he said .
23 I 've got to get over to a village out on the Bologna road and I can easily drive there via Fiesole .
24 You 're the winners of Outdoor Action 's September Adidas competition and you 'll shortly be receiving Adidas Adventure Equipment waterproof jackets and pants and Adventure High walking boots .
25 These arteries are about as wide as a drinking straw and they can all too easily become partially blocked with deposits of atheroma , a pasty mixture of cholesterol and cells .
26 Now the council is demanding that preachers apply for prior permission to use council property and they can only spread the ‘ good news ’ at specified times and one at a time .
27 Stand close enough to see the column form and you will probably be pelted with near-boiling water .
28 I read in a newspaper recently that he 'd said , ‘ I 've only ever done one chat show and I 'll never do another one . ’
29 From today members of the parleg public will be able to learn all about the lambing process and they 'll even be allowed to watch as some of the rare sheep kept there give birth .
30 Say Tandy to the majority of the PC population and they 'll probably think of shops that sell electronic goods that are ‘ Custom Manufactured for Tandy in — ’ almost every country except the US .
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