Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [adv] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Superdrug is right on the main and they 've got a they 've got a great big car park now at the back of the new gallery .
2 Martin Orne , a psychiatrist and research psychologist now at the University of Pennsylvania , asked several hypnotised people to re-experience being six years old .
3 a former director of the CSIR 's Laboratory for Molecular and Cell Biology now at the University of Cape Town , interprets the allocation as an attempt by the government to rescue the CSIR in times of recession and a continuing decline in military contracts .
4 They came to a kitchen with a spacious drawing room beyond at the front of the house .
5 It all happened when the two of us played a practice game together at the club one afternoon .
6 The name is taken from the point on the chart where the total costs line crosses the sales revenue line ie at the point where neither a loss nor a profit is being made .
7 Tshwete was a supporter of rugby unification and he got the old South African Rugby Football Board and the South African Rugby Union together at the conference table ’ , said French .
8 I shall be meeting the Home Office again at the end of March . ’
9 We would like to thank the clients for all the help and Harry Ferguson who has the transport contract here at the Centre . ’
10 The funeral service today at the church of St John the Baptist on the edge of the Lonsdale estate is just a week before Louis was due to celebrate his first birthday .
11 I had a business dinner here at the castle .
12 A TERRIFIED woman handed over cash after being threatened with an imitation handgun yesterday at the Eastbourne Road petrol station in Grove Hill , Middlesbrough .
13 The vast waiting lists of the local authorities , as well as the existing local authority houses , contain large numbers of families who , with private enterprise building again at the rate and real cost of the 1930s , would be both able and willing to accommodate themselves at economic rents or prices .
14 There is certainly a race problem here at the moment .
15 The Ribera exhibition now at the Prado until 25 August was a popular success in Naples ' Castel Sant'Elmo , whose romantic fastnesses suited the shadows of the artist 's style ; in the two and a half months until 17 May it had 80,000 visitors , which in Italy , for a serious exhibition , is a large number .
16 But the things that seized my whole attention were the yellow blobs of pus in the corners of the eyes , the much purulent discharge from the nostrils and the photophobia which made the dog blink painfully at the light from the surgery window .
17 I wish to make the student look again at the words he wishes to set .
18 Gorbad drove his wolf chariot straight at the Count , its three slavering wolves leaping as one for their enemy 's throat .
19 The oil lamp beside his bed had been extinguished , and when I saw my father glance disapprovingly at the lamp I had brought to guide me up the rickety staircase , I quickly lowered the wick .
20 President Izetbegovic , addressing a news conference later at the Dorchester Hotel , described Britain as the western country most opposed to lifting the arms embargo .
21 The Darlington CAMRA begins its annual Small Beer Festival tomorrow at the Arts Centre .
22 ‘ Today I beat Stefan Edberg , the two-time defending champion here at the US Open , one of the biggest tournaments in the world , ’ Novacek said .
23 Simply to hope that such things will be taught through other subjects is not satisfactory for a planning document even at the discussion stage .
24 The Forest Race Course and Queens they 've all got plenty of space while in the centre of Mansfield you 've got room to pork park even at the Walkden Street car park .
25 As you climb through the trap door look carefully at the frame and joists around the opening — this is a common place for woodworm .
26 I exclaimed my heart beating so wildly I thought I was going to have a heart attack right there at the table .
27 If you are not satisfied with the manner in which your complaint is handled , please contact the General Insurance Manager immediately at the address shown on your policy or last renewal notice .
28 Yes er somehow they , they 'd , they 'd got it , or was it or did I have to fill in a a census form just at the time when Paul was with me ?
29 Social workers wanting to assess the progress of children in their care look closely at the child 's placement .
30 If you decide to exercise at home ( and there are many programmes and routines on tape , in magazines and in books ) remember to start slowly and build up gradually , following the warming-up exercise faithfully at the beginning and end of the programme .
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