Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] [noun pl] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Brute force pays dividends as the landing is deep , soft snow .
2 The Dutch government has now asked the Arts Council to allocate funds and the 300 or so galleries are now grouped into two categories .
3 Thieves who broke into a house on York Close , Coundon , on Saturday night took pictures and a clock depicting scenes of Durham Cathedral .
4 However , after a second round of US-PLO talks in Tunis on March 22 , 1989 , the PLO leadership expressed fears that the USA lacked a specific programme for resolving the Palestinian issue , and was playing for time to secure a halt to the intifada ( " uprising " ) .
5 Thus the Roberts family became landowners and the more aristocratic name of Robartes was adopted .
6 The equation linking trades unionism with Labour 's advance can not be applied to London ; not only were unions weak , but in the interwar period suffered setbacks as the depression deepened .
7 Police in Brighton were investigating a dry cleaning scam involving restaurants and a bogus client claims .
8 The journey to the Theme Park took ages but the Brownies did n't mind .
9 The right of tenants to buy their council houses is already the new consensus and Mr John Patten 's initiatives promise the end of Town Hall controlled estates and a revival of the private rented sector .
10 His Honour Judge Morrell did not rule on the bank 's main contention , which was that since a guarantee card guarantees cheques and a forged cheque is not in fact a cheque , the card is of no significance at all in a transaction if the signature on the cheque is forged , though this is obviously an alternative approach .
11 General practitioners can be supported in refusing requests for these products in two ways : by the extension of the limited list ( planned for June 1993 ) and by a structured patient education campaign to inform patients that the doctor can not prescribe all medicines and that some illnesses are self limiting .
12 The cDNA sequence presented ends where the genomic sequence ( unpublished data ) diverges ; the DN10 cDNA clone contains another 547 nucleotides that represent a co-ligated cDNA derived from an unrelated non-chromosome-15 locus ( data not shown ) .
13 The idea was to show Crawford making a phone call to warn police that a bomb was planted there .
14 A ‘ self-interest ’ explanation would suggest that whereas solidarity for the strike call to defend jobs and the future of pits would obtain strong support in the peripheral areas with relatively bleak futures , it would be harder to sustain in the central profitable coalfields of Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire .
15 On his head was a special headdress of deerskin and feathers , and sometimes a metal crown bearing antlers or a bird effigy .
16 Three species of rodent are reported to pollinate Blakea species ( Melastomataceae ) in the cloud forests of Costa Rica : the nocturnal anthesis and nectar production suggests bats but the lack of scent and cryptic nowers hidden in the foliage do not and , indeed , the nowers are not visited by bats in the harsh , windy environment .
17 An alternative method of wound closure uses tapes but the general experiences of tapes in the A&E department has been disappointing .
18 Since the General Election , a programme of meetings was drawn up with Westminster Strategy involving ministers and the new intake of MPs , special advisers , PPSs and opposition spokesmen .
19 The traditional division , whereby the advice worker advises clients and the manager does everything else , was not always thought to be efficient or fair .
20 The garment shapes will be saved to a default directory called SHAPES and the stitch patterns will be saved to a default directory called COLPATS .
21 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
22 The convent garden harboured herbs and a yellow flowering vine flourishing over a falling wooden structure .
23 There are other models that transfer stitches and knit at the same time but the K858 has a separate lace carriage to transfer stitches and the punchcards are treated accordingly .
24 On June 17 the Congress ( I ) general secretary Bal Ram Jakhar told reporters that the party would seriously consider accepting the support of any party other than the BJP .
25 Sheriff Risk rejected suggestions that the Sikorsky should not have been landing on a restricted helideck .
26 WIRRAL Hospital Trust plans alterations and an extension at Clatterbridge Hospital to create a new outpatients department .
27 The major changes which were set out in that strategy have however been carried into effect — the establishment of a National Conveyancing Protocol , the establishment of a financial services vehicle to assist solicitors and a more positive approach to solicitors involvement in estate agency .
28 Following his conviction Rashid told journalists that the guilty verdict " was a gift for the Americans " and that " the court had to find me guilty to balance the decision against extraditing me " .
29 The back fly entrance has a single zip , giving a small bellend space to store boots and a couple of rucksacks .
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