Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [Wh det] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This work has shed much new light not only on chronology , and therefore on the development of Bach 's style , but also on performance practice and what is loosely termed reception history .
2 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
3 In 1965 , Lukacs retrospectively described his critical essays as the " two-front " struggle which constituted " an indictment of the impoverishment in artistic content and in fictional representation both in Western avant-garde movements and what is customarily called socialist realism " .
4 It is a movement he has used many times and which is perhaps seen at its best in the pas de deux to the Meditation from Thai-s created for Anthony Dowell and Antoinette Sibley ; in A Month in the Country when Natalia dances with the Tutor to express her emotions ; and in Les Deux Pigeons in the final pas de deux , when the Young Man has returned to The Girl and tenderly dances with her in his arms ( see page 83 ) .
5 Thus we fabricate a deeper sense of being red in which an object is red only if it is red in a stable fashion in the perceptual fields of all observers and which is therefore treated as part of the real world which exists independently of us .
6 Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze showed that the USSR had not forgotten the ZOPFAN impulse in informing Sitthi that ‘ there can be no calm or stability in a region in which there exist foreign military bases and which is not protected from the military rivalry of non-regional powers ’ .
7 However , there are other less ambitious examples of the kind of information which the accounts could provide about inputs but which is not provided by cash flow accounting .
8 A significant variance could be defined as one amounting to more than a given percentage of the budget but which is not explained by the general level of prices , i.e. inflation or deflation .
9 Should we take account of only the material standards of village life or should we include such an apparently ephemeral notion as what is colloquially referred to as ‘ community spirit ’ , the sense of identity and belonging , which the inhabitants feel ?
10 These I do not repeat here , but my version of Boulestin 's sweet tomato conserve , which I had intended to include in the same book and which is indeed indexed as appearing in it , somehow got away .
11 The researches of Frances Yates into the relationship between science and what is loosely called magic at the end of the 16th century are enlightening .
12 The issue has been cast in scientific circles and the press as a clash between ‘ good ’ science and what is scornfully described as ‘ junk ’ science because it fails to meet tests of scientific legitimacy .
13 Following Dressler and Wodak ( 1982 ) he distinguishes phonological variation resulting from connected speech processes from a more general type of linguistic variation which correlates with speaker variables such as sex or social status and which is not restricted to phonological systems .
14 Now I think that the concern that erm I have , and it 's shared by colleagues I have to say at both County and at er District Council level , is that none of those will really fully provide a proper strategic planning service and therefore the , the , the threat to proper forward planning of a coordinated nature across a wider area of land such as is er currently taking place in Sussex , West Sussex and other counties and which is desperately needed as we 've seen in the context of the flooding that we 've just been talking about , that is in er great danger of being undermined and the alternatives that the government is , is putting forward would in my view not go anywhere at all towards meeting the needs of strategic planning .
15 Ancient landmarks , that remind the inhabitants of its past are the church , which is part thirteenth century and which is primarily noted for its soaring spire .
16 In the language of sociobiology , " kinship " , outside the immediate bond of mother/infant and , perhaps , sibling/sibling , is a biological relationship which may be discovered by the research worker but which is not known to the actors in the scenario under observation .
17 The successful schemes were unsentimental and transcended the apparent dilemma posed by the design brief which asked for a building which related to preformed and powerful sensibilities and beliefs about life and death and which is also required to be effectively energy conscious .
18 He writes " Finally we visited the reading room ; which Mr Mackie has generously provided for his workpeople and which is well supplied with newspapers and current literature of the day . "
19 It is possible to argue that certain sections could , with advantage , have been expanded to stress the more chemical aspects of topics — eg the section of enzymes ‘ in reverse ’ ( why not refer to this as synthesis ? ) touches on an area of great value and which is increasingly used industrially .
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