Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [that] it [is] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
2 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
3 Axil aims to price 20% below Sun and that it is targeting non-technical markets such as manufacturing , transport , financial services and health-care .
4 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
5 In May , 1991 , the Digital Information Group 's Software Industry Bulletin reported that SelecTronics expects to report a ‘ significant loss ’ for its financial year ended 31 March and that it is restructuring its business so that it manufactures handheld devices only when it has firm orders from its distribution channels .
6 ICL Plc has gone to Palo Alto , California-based Highland Software Inc for a licence manager for its multi-user Unix software products : ICL is taking Highland 's FLEXlm product , and will start offering it next spring ; terms of the agreement were not disclosed ; the Putney firm claims that its total Unix installed base is now valued at $3,000m and that it is doing $750m a year with kit running Unix System V.4 .
7 bring this new tax , but instead of poll tax and community charge and that it 's gon na be like a new erm property tax .
8 We still believe that there 's going to be a kingdom over in Israel and that David Koresh is going to come back and be the head of that kingdom and that it 's going to be a peaceful place as prophecized in the Bible .
9 For instance , it is compatible with the results of all actual and possible measurements to hold either that the universe is of a fixed size or that it is expanding at a constant rate .
10 One or two of the hotel 's regular visitors and local residents who use the hotel frequently have told Winter privately that they think it is a mistake and that it is leading to friction and a lowering of standards .
11 You 're lucky in a way that he 's there , and lucky , too , that he 's got his music and that it 's bringing him a name , for it 's some sort of compensation in the meantime , helping his waiting . ’
12 Training Services in my constituency last week and that its programme is already providing an environmental study centre at Basildon zoo , a garden for St. Luke 's hospice at Basildon hospital and recreational facilities for the Charitable Printers Trust and that it is restoring old churches in my constituency ?
13 My right hon. Friend ends his letter by saying : ’ I am pleased to learn that following the granting of an ECR by Parkside HA Mr. Thorpe has received treatment and that it is proving beneficial . ’
14 Is the Secretary of State aware that the United States still appears to be at war with Vietnam and that it is blocking all aid and trade in the International Monetary Fund and World bank and through misuse of the COCOM regulations ?
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