Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun prp] [be] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Jamila and Zahira were allowed into the yard to hang their washing but they could n't sit there chatting .
2 The Night Goblins and Orcs were thrown into disorder .
3 It was that last remark that echoed in Kelly 's mind as Boardwalk was loaded into the stalls .
4 ‘ They are not using the services in their own authorities so SSDs are misled into believing there is n't a demand for services .
5 This study was performed in an attempt to identify APGPR in blood after a satiating meal and to investigate the hypothesis that APGPR is absorbed into the circulation postprandially and may appear in urine .
6 Increasingly solicitors from England and Wales are entering into business and association with counterparts throughout the Community .
7 Local government in England and Wales is organized into two distinctive systems .
8 The legal profession in England and Wales is divided into solicitors and barristers , with the latter being considered the senior branch of the profession .
9 England and Wales were divided into counties each of which contained a number of districts variously known as municipal , or non-county , boroughs , urban districts or rural districts depending on a combination of size , type of area , and historical circumstances .
10 The family were visited at home until John was admitted into a local residential home .
11 Janice and Rory were tucking into their salads ; the terrace of the Achnaba Hotel was crowded with tourists , and on the road in front of the hotel cars , caravans and coaches hummed past , heading for Lochgilphead , Gallanach , or Kintyre .
12 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
13 The several centuries of the ‘ Dark Ages ’ that followed the Roman withdrawal from Britain were a period in which peoples from northwest Germany and Denmark were coming into the country .
14 When he was seven , his mother revealed that the young lives of William and Harry were divided into Fun Days and Work Days .
15 As Ray Doyle and Bodie were moving into position outside the Stones ’ house , that night , inside the playroom Liz Spalding was being resoundingly beaten at table football .
16 Eight vehicles in Aycliffe , Shildon and Sedgefield were broken into on Sunday .
17 Ted and Jack were drawn into conversation with the old man and Ted , remembering the mysterious incident , asked him if he could bring to mind any relevant details .
18 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
19 Sure enough , soon afterwards Weibel and Gallardo were pushed into a van .
20 It was certainly done most effectively for one culture some years ago when Romeo and Juliet were transposed into the idiom of youth group clash in modern New York in West Side Story ( p. 95 ) .
21 The superintendent said she wanted some men to investigate the stories that Nicola was looking into before her death — child porn and drugs .
22 The news ends speculation that Argos was to move into the multi-million pound redevelopment planned for the Vernon Road bus station site .
24 Lawyers for Virgin and BA were working into the night , going over a settlement which could cost BA up to £10 million .
25 Lawyers for Virgin and BA were working into the night , going over the small print of an agreement which could cost BA up to £10 million .
26 It will be doubtful if Bush or Clinton are tuning into their raps from the frontline , but that 's no excuse why you 're not glued to their every word .
27 MARKS & SPENCER is bursting into bold colour this spring with pottery hand painted in Portugal .
28 Jack and Wise were thrown into the water , but scrambled back onto the aircraft , which remained afloat .
29 Nonetheless , in the late 1970s it was easy to see the divisions of Zuwaya into sections and lineages reflected in the street map of Ajdabiya , much as the oases of Kufra or Tazarbu were subdivided into tribal territories .
30 After exchanging a few words , the usher opened the door and Mark was escorted into a debating chamber shaped in the form of a horseshoe , with a raised dais at the open end upon which were two heavy oak chairs , one for the Chairman and the other for the speaker .
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