Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] would [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paddy and I shared the neurosis of spending longer than necessary calculating where we would be on what date if we maintained that day 's speed .
2 Furthermore , my own analysis of the Technics arrangement suggest that it is sensitive to loudspeaker impedance variations ; under some conditions the performance is worse with the subsidiary amplifier than it would be without it .
3 Meanwhile the Labour Party continues to be as inadequate in Opposition as it would be in government .
4 The aim of treatment is not for a young child to lose weight as it would be in an adult , but to maintain their weight or make below normal weight gain ( Dietz 1984 ) .
5 There was a celebrated individual who devoted a large part of his life to carefully recording everything that he observed ; upon his death , this complete set of observations was presented to the Royal Society in the hope that it would be of use to scientists .
6 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
7 ‘ Inevitably , the care staff helping them are supervised to a much lesser degree than they would be in a residential establishment . ’
8 A value of 255 would result in the corresponding phosphor dot on the screen receiving maximum illumination while it would be at half brightness if the value were 127 .
9 Only a few hours and she would be with him again .
10 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
11 The eggs , even before they hatch , require great care , reducing the time a parent bird can spend finding food for itself and keeping it sitting on the ground or in the branches of a tree where it is exposed to much more danger than it would be in the air .
12 ‘ If anyone had told me when I took over in November that we would be in the Irish Cup semi-final , I would n't have believed it .
13 If the hon. Member for Monklands , West ( Mr. Clarke ) had any confidence that he would be in government , he would know that the Bill would provide him with the power to decide when to establish the council .
14 ‘ He has damaged the ligaments but the nature of the injury makes us more hopeful of recovery than we would be from some ankle injuries . ’
15 A legally aided party who is successful in proceedings has a duty to claim costs if it would be in the interests of a paying client to do so in the same circumstances .
16 Institutions could be granted charters or licences to confer their own awards but it would be in the interests of higher education if the C.N.A.A .
17 It would need money but it would be worth it .
18 I agree with the hon. Gentleman that it would be in Britain 's best interests to have long-term coal contracts , but those must be negotiated on commercial terms .
19 Well the proposals in the Good Report as I said for final salary schemes is that a third of the trustees should be elected from he actually says from the active members er we know and comments that in great length a about the difficulties that it would be to er actually er elect er er members who are pensioners or from the deferreds Er I find that er somewhat simplistic view point in that er er the pensioners at least get communications from the administrators of the scheme every month , they get a monthly cheque , so it sh should n't be beyond the wit of man to be able to er be able to contact the pensioners and organise pensioner meetings but pensioner trustees to be elected .
20 CATHERINE That you would be like my sister , not caring any more .
21 These findings support our own observations and it would be of interest to use immunohistochemistry to examine for the presence of other cytokines in the normal human mucosa .
22 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
23 And they would be looking for a bed for the night and it would be in the old hay shed that we would put them but there would n't be a problem .
24 I knew the squadron was ordered out that night and he would be amongst them , and if ever death was in the face of a man , it was in his that afternoon .
25 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
26 I asked the Czech manager if they would be at Rutland Water in June and he said they would not be able to afford it .
27 ‘ They 'd ring the big stores in London , give them an order in the morning and it would be on the train in the afternoon , and here by evening .
28 He had not caught a glimpse of Mary but she would be at the Sports .
29 I decided to spend three nights watching the Peckoltias when they would be at their most active to gauge the aggression that — during the day — I did not see .
30 She 'd had no chance even to tell David that her family would be at OBEX the following day , so it could be as much a shock for him seeing Jennifer as it would be for her sister .
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