Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] [am/are] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There 's quite a lot of the broch showing , too , almost the complete circle , with one very high bit where I 'm told there are steps going up to what 's left of the top level , with a view . ’
2 The cautionary phase here is watch where you 're putting your feet .
3 Bearing in mind that I 'm taking one in a fortnight 's time .
4 So , it 's three units that I 'm giving my siblings .
5 Microsoft Corp and SAP AG , Walldorf , announced on Friday that they are extending their existing relationships based on SAP 's announcement last month that it would put its client-server-based R/3 applications up under Windows NT : the worldwide agreement elevates the joint technological co-operation to the next level , adding joint marketing and development — the two will exchange technology and industry expertise and experience to improve development of client-server system architecture and products .
6 Red and white signs , showing an izard 's head , are the only indication that you are entering it , the izard being a sort of chamois native to the Pyrenees which is now doing well there again after having earlier been hunted almost out of existence — its survival has been put down to the First World War , when men turned to killing one another and the animals had an armistice which enabled them to breed again .
7 A way round this hearsay evidence is for the officer to say ‘ The passenger Mr. Jones says he is not licensed to drive this car so I am reporting you ( the defendant ) for quitting a vehicle ’ etc .
8 It would be nice to imagine the reader , having ingested the reader , having ingested the above , musing , ‘ Oh , I never thought of that ’ — which is , after all , the response elicited by all cultural commentators — but I have no illusions that I 'm teaching anything to the individual or individuals responsible for the original design .
9 Either to , you know , write down delegation that you 're giving somebody , and then photocopy it and give it to them .
10 That 's the equation that I 'm setting I 'm setting up .
11 Cos next , well the week after the reading week we 've got , we do the first visit to our schools that we 're doing our T P in .
12 This holds good on condition that we are restricting our attention , as in this study , to syntax ; once we take the broader view which embraces speakers ' knowledge of vocabulary as well , then we must admit a real analogue to this relation since speakers are quite aware that their language habitually uses , for example this set of words to instantiate E , and that set of words to instantiate P ( or , in most languages , various sets of words to instantiate the Ps occurring in various different intensional patterns ; see Appendix B , Section 7 ) .
13 Anne Smith was there to judge the competition and was so impressed with the winners that we are featuring them in our magazine ; two this month , three in September and the final one in October .
14 speed if you 're doing it in a
15 Yeah ? for life insurance , savings er any , any erm investment product we have to offer or based on and around that because they 're all open probes and you 're gaining his thoughts and feelings .
16 Bass have spent months working on the deal and we 're told they will not even bother to attend tomorrow 's meeting of Premier clubs .
17 ‘ The restructuring of the industry is gaining momentum and we are playing our full part ’ .
18 Look at the implications looking back over it when when Fire and Public Protection had produced their report , but certainly the things are and it 's quite clear that we all know this case in my particular the river has been constricted by some thoroughly bad planning decisions and development control districts and they 're paying them that the owners are paying the penalty for that erm reducing the ditches and er building over them and okay we 've got problems erm so er there are structure plan implications erm which I do n't I think we should miss and if we say that really building on a is a principle well then we should try it right into the structure plan or looking at local plans for approval that we actually look at this a little bit more carefully .
19 You can accept payments from passengers in your car if you are giving them * a lift for social or other similar purposes .
20 You can accept payments from passengers in your car if you are giving them a lift for social or other similar purposes .
21 You can accept payments from passengers in your car if you are giving them a lift for social or other similar purposes .
22 You can accept payments from passengers in your car if you are giving them a lift for social or other similar purposes .
23 If as part of the task you specify the effect the programme is to have on the audience , you are building in the criteria by which that audience can judge the programme and you are giving them a purpose in viewing .
24 Well , he 's going to do something for the programme and I 'm doing something for TSB .
25 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
26 When you are driving a racing car and you are taking it up to the limit , you can be nice , you can be charming , but somewhere there are undercurrents going for you that make you a pretty aggressive individual . ’
27 And if want to check quickly in a car and I 'm driving I automatically put the hand
28 region , er a and you 've produced this er music thing , so the very thing you you say y you 've got this album and you 're doing your acting bit .
29 The UK market is small ( 4 per cent of the world ) and as Taylor said last year , ‘ we must now look overseas for opportunities if we are to continue our vigorous growth ’ .
30 do n't run off with that skirt cos I 'm wearing it tomorrow .
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