Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] have be " in BNC.

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1 Chris had to hold on to the grab handle of the jeep or she would have been flung out .
2 They not infrequently turn for some answers to the religion that they may have been introduced to in the past but have long since rejected .
3 I did manage to give my hands a quick rinse beforehand and nobody has mentioned food poisoning so it must have been ok .
4 All the caution and tension that you may have been feeling has now flown .
5 And what 's impressive is they 're doing research that we should have been doing for years !
6 Later at the inquest ( which he did n't attend ) , he admitted through his lawyer that he may have been driving on the wrong side of the road .
7 But he was no more comfortable on the radio programme than he would have been on the real desert island .
8 Witness the serried ranks of highly paid company chairmen who maintain , in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary , that the Eighties enriched us , that we are immeasurably better off as a result of the Thatcher experiment than we would have been without it .
9 As I pull up at the back of the hotel Mr Shah is waiting with a folder full ; his expression , although friendly , contains around his mouth a little reproach that I should have been away from the action for so long .
10 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
11 The board assessed his compensation at a substantially lower figure than he would have been awarded by an industrial tribunal had he been able in law to appeal to such a tribunal .
12 This is Tuesday and it would have been appropriate for him to have raised this matter then .
13 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
14 ‘ Oh , that , ’ said William , as if it had completely slipped his mind and he 'd have been quite happy talking about Satan and Hell and related matters for the rest of the afternoon .
15 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
16 There are occasional references to fullers during the 13th and 14th centuries but theirs must have been a small scale operation compared to that encountered further downstream around Cirencester .
17 Grateful thanks are due to the following , without whom I could have written this piece but it would have been rubbish
18 ‘ But the first to benefit will be successful church schools because they might have been discriminated against in the past , ’ said Mr Fallon .
19 When we got home I was surprised to see Dad sitting in his usual seat because he should have been at work .
20 ‘ Even though we wanted to go along to the studio , we kept well away from the remixes because we 'd have been ‘ Oooh do n't take that out , do n't change this ’ .
21 Edward Nundy , 55 , of Southend , Essex , was allegedly seen at his boat when he should have been working for Car Buyer magazine .
22 I was still lackadaisical about my training , still playing dominoes in Mick 's cafe when I should have been out running repetition 300 metres on the West London track .
23 The water came up to my cross-bar of my bike so it must have been about three feet deep .
24 It will always be the case that it would have been better for one of the counterparties not to have taken out the forward contract but to have waited and transacted in the spot or cash market at the time called for delivery .
25 He gasped with delight at the sight that met his tired eyes rows and rows of fresh fruit and vegetables that he would have been proud to sell .
26 less funding than it would have been expected to have .
27 If he thought instant bankruptcy would result from such disclosures , he must be no less earnest to become a bankrupt for the just advantage of his creditors than he would have been resolute not to fail by collusion for the purpose of defrauding them .
28 The principate of Severus probably saw the greatest expansion , and it is perhaps no coincidence that it may have been he who introduced the annona militaris , a tax paid in grain or other materials to meet the needs of the army .
29 so will there be a game and if so where and shall i pack my football shoes in my luggage — im leaving home ( over here in even colder ( -5 C ) norway ) ) in just a couple of hours so it would have been nice to know .
30 It was nothing to him , of course — orders were orders — yet it had occurred to him several times that it would have been far simpler to evacuate the Shepherds than go through with all this nonsense .
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