Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] be give " in BNC.

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1 The commission has already promised the chemical and other energy-intensive sectors that they will be given ‘ special treatment ’ — they will be asked to enter into voluntary agreements to cut energy consumption .
2 Come on you Reds and do the business for the supporters because they will be giving it everything for you !
3 Foreign oil workers have been assured by their Libyan employers that they will be given full freedom of movement .
4 Both need our help , but the help that they should be given is by their own Government , by the full implementation of resolutions 706 and 712 .
5 We recognise why that is , and it is a perfectly reasonable requirement that they should be given that free school meal , but it is producing a rather sudden burden for education authorities which they are finding difficult to accommodate at present .
6 It is the view of many of the vets in the district , the R S P C A Inspectorate and other dog handling professionals , that dogs must have adequate natural exercise and they should be given the opportunity to run freely as frequently as possible .
7 Ironically , however , the mobility of the evidence may increase the chances of discovery since it will be given greater exposure .
8 They are often written as well to support private ventures by British firms , which are showing promise , but need a Staff Target or Operational Requirement before they can be given official consideration .
9 Even if one acknowledges the significance of the state itself as an agency , there is a danger that it may be given a role which is too sharply independent .
10 It tells disabled job applicants that they will be given fair consideration based on their ability .
11 Naturally I do n't want to risk a recurrence of the trouble , but equally , I hate missing any Ireland match and I 'll be giving it a full blast in the final training session to make sure I 'm 100 per cent .
12 When in January 1645 the French agreed to give the Dutch representatives the coveted title of " Excellency " this at once led to demands from the imperial electors that theirs must be given it also .
13 The resignation of do Nascimento led to speculation that he would be given the key role of director-general of the national electoral commission , as the government came under increasing pressure from the USA , Russia and Portugal to hasten election preparations .
14 The mass popularity of the movies did not come about because showmen gave no thought to individuating their audiences but rather resulted from an appreciation that the most important thing about the public as a whole was that every section and every group would respond to the appeal of the movies if it could be given access to the right kind of cinema .
15 Obviously , the regiment must include a standard bearer before it can be given a magic standard .
16 There have been suggestions that they might be given state funding , or that some RCD members in the Chamber of Deputies might resign to allow the other parties a look in .
17 We were lying on the ground in a row , pointing our rifles to our fronts , as he walked past each of us and made us repeat the different orders that we would be given , such as ‘ unload ’ or ‘ cock your weapon ’ .
18 Claims that the English tests had not been properly prepared were dismissed as being ‘ without any validity at all , ’ and he stressed the importance of the tests in identifying pupils with reading difficulties at an early age so they could be given extra help .
19 ‘ The management executive is saying that some of that money can be spent on supplying condoms to GPs so they can be given to patients . ’
20 Now you might be give all sorts of polar coordinates and you 'll be given working with sines and coses which is where we came in .
21 We offer good promotion prospects and you will be given every opportunity to make your career progress .
22 That 's an unmarried daughter that you should be giving due recognition to for the efforts that she may have put in .
23 It seems that there are very few situations in which support from relatives is totally reliable in the sense that it would be given automatically , and without further thought , when a need is identified .
24 Hartlepool Council officials are to be given one last chance to persuade the government that they should be given a slice of its City Challenge cash .
25 Erm because I think what you 're doing 's far more valuable , and I was going to say what you sho what you er er perhaps a way forward is to confirm with heads of departments that they will be giving homework
26 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
27 And the assumption that they can be given is grounded on faith alone .
28 On request , the Problem Administrator should use the IPF Problem Control Facility to produce printed details of problem reports and summary lists of problem reports according to the requirements that he will be given by the person requesting the report .
29 Mr Gray said he first took up his complaint about missing mail in December 1990 and was told by the post office in Darlington that it would be given urgent attention .
30 To take a quick look now at the current conditions and in fact you 'll see the extension of gas prices , rig counts etcetera into this year on the charts that you 'll be given with a pack after this meeting .
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