Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] to be " in BNC.

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1 The simple mouse-and-icons approach means putting together new forms or reports ought to be a doddle ; and for functions like queries or browsing , you ca n't do much better than the GUI .
2 Gloucestershire 's schools and colleges used to be cleaned by the county council 's own in house contractors — gloucestershire services .
3 Differences due to different methodologies or techniques ought to be identifiable ( e.g. remote sensing vs. direct measurements ) .
4 It 's the last place that cuts ought to be made .
5 And somewhere through the hotel muzak lurks the sensation that things used to be different , that we ( my brother and I ) had n't always been wrapped in jumpers , silent , staring at the screen , that the days used to be hot and long .
6 There are two things that governments ought to be doing .
7 Oh yes , there ha , I mean there are economies of scale in agriculture , it 's just that they 're , the scope of them er , is less than er the scope in manufacturing so I mean , farms used to be a lot smaller and throughout this century , this last century we 've witnessed an increase in farm size alright , but the I think the optimal , the optimal farm size is erm , I think it 's about three hundred hectares okay , er erm , with three hundred hectares you 'll produce a , a pretty squit proportion of erm total output but farms used to be sort of one , two , three , ten hectares in size as we 've gone through the farms have amalgamated and increased in size and that 's primarily due to economies of scale , but there are a great deal of economies to be reached , once you 've got a combine harvester , once you 've got big machinery alright .
8 A Department of Energy spokesman said : ‘ Hopefully this should not lead to power cuts in most cases because distributors ought to be able to get supplies from other area boards . ’
9 Many people might think that a person who causes death whilst using an unlawfully held firearm or explosives ought to be convicted of murder because there is , generally speaking , no excuse for using such dangerous equipment .
10 Handy accepted the appointment in 1977 as an alternative to joining the church , and his management thinking has always been marked by a belief that companies ought to be about more than performance and profitability .
11 All the doctors are achieving with their uncontrollable itch to boss , patronise and distribute public money is to establish an idiotic certainty in our morally confused age that condoms ought to be free because they are something the government wants us to use .
12 It also made a number of exhortations , for example that Parliaments ought to be held frequently , elections ought to be free , and that free speech ought to be guaranteed .
13 However , a number of comments and qualifications ought to be made .
14 Strategy and tactics ought to be preoccupying the leadership rather than this simple advance .
15 In the time of Nicholson Baker 's Vox , God help us , his voice and voices ought to be heard in the land .
16 Choice theories verge upon a serious contradiction with liberal philosophy to the extent that reliance is placed upon the principle that promises ought to be kept .
17 Unless the principle that promises ought to be kept can be shown to be compatible with the appropriate respect for liberty , it offends liberalism by imposing a kind of moral paternalism .
18 We find on close examination that those choice theorists who invoke the principle that promises ought to be kept in order to complete their account of contractual obligations ultimately concede that they are engaging in a form of moral paternalism .
19 The exercise of choice turns out to be sufficiently special to justify the imposition of contractual obligations because it meets the criterion of a moral principle that promises ought to be kept .
20 Yet the importance attached to this scheme of distributive justice by advocates of choice theory encourages them to ignore the contradiction which we noticed above between the liberal ideal of individual autonomy and the moral paternalism of the principle that promises ought to be kept which lies at the heart of their theory of contract .
21 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
22 The simple idea that resources ought to be concentrated in areas where unemployment is highest has struck home .
23 Mm , what did erm the dentist and hospitals used to be like before the New Town was built ?
24 The final message for the politicians and consultants ought to be ‘ back to the drawing board ’ .
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