Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun sg] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These questions — which have to be answered rapid-fire on ticksheets , often by selecting a level of enthusiasm or indifference on a scale of one to five — contain several which aim to identify a particular management capability or personality trait .
2 In considering the claims filed against accountants , it must be emphasised that in many cases the underlying reasons for such suits are not negligence or incompetence on the part of auditors , but the consequence of faulty business policies and management decisions , or even carefully planned and executed frauds .
3 Its cleansing steam power is equally effective for freshening up paintwork or plasterwork on the walls or ceilings .
4 Street furniture , though constantly under threat , is a source of fascination , and any literature or lecture on the subject is likely to attract attention .
5 An up-to-date Michelin or other detailed road-map ( number 85 is the Michelin sheet you need ) is absolutely necessary , and the smaller your car the happier you may well feel , when trying , let us say , to squeeze past an opposing motorist or an unyielding sheep or cow on a track designed obviously for one .
6 Nevertheless there is considerable reluctance to question the minister 's judgment unless there is a suggestion of bad faith or error on the part of the minister .
7 ( 3 ) While the employee remains in the employment of the employer the obligations are included in the implied term which imposes a duty of good faith or fidelity on the employee .
8 Part ( b ) of the figure plots the relationship between the level of income or output on the x axis and the rate of interest on the y axis .
9 Friction embraces resistance or resentment on the part of key people who have to implement the plan .
10 Although originally the doctrine was thought to be restricted to cases of iniquity or wrong-doing on the part of the party seeking to enforce the obligation of confidence , it is now clear that this is not so .
11 There was no light or warmth on the surface of the earth , for she selfishly kept it all to herself .
12 In this book she reviews , first the paucity of research or literature on the subject , and then the various ways in which their education , or lack of it , affects the lives of children in care , not only in their childhood , but influencing their life chances as adults .
13 It is the sort of thing that leaves a permanent mark for good or ill on the member concerned .
14 The balance of debt left ( after the cost of the zero-coupon ) , being irredeemable , counts as equity or near-equity on the issuer 's balance sheet .
15 It is not Naipaul 's ; it does not constitute the author 's testament or confession on the subject of race relations and the rest of it .
16 Resentment was always present when parents felt either that there was a lack of openness or frankness on the part of the professionals or administrators , or that they were being coerced , or that their concern for and about their child was being called into question .
17 Rather , many speakers " construct " the language they variously call Creole , Patois , black talk , bad talk or Jamaican on the basis of a collection of stereotypical features which are associated with JC as spoken in Jamaica .
18 This is the most familiar group , so called because many have a dark ring or zone on the foliage .
19 If the glider leaves the ground in a very tail-low attitude , with the tail-skid or wheel on the ground , it has the minimum of flying speed .
20 One definition is ‘ a rapid downward movement under the influence of gravity of mass rock or earth on a slope . ’
21 Using the extra pane of glass angled from the bottom front of the tank , to restrict fish movement , with gravel or sand on the tank bottom and a nicely planted background , a very ‘ natural ’ photograph can be produced , since the extra pane of glass is invisible in the final picture .
22 A late election will not be admitted outside the statutory time limit if the delay is due to : oversight or negligence on the part of a partner or his agent ; because one of the parties to the election temporarily refuses to sign it ; or because the delay is deliberate to give the parties the opportunity to determine its effect on their tax liabilities .
23 A late claim will not be accepted where the delay is due to : oversight or negligence on the part of the claimant company or its agent ; failure without good reason to compute the necessary figure ; and a desire to avoid establishing the claim pending clarification of the effects of making a claim on other tax liabilities .
24 ( ii ) When the actor coerces the victim to submit by threatening to use force or violence on the victim , and the victim believes that the actor has the present ability to execute these threats .
25 In Williams ' chapter ( 3.1 ) , we may perhaps see a justification of equality of condition or outcome on the basis of equality of opportunity .
26 ‘ Yes , but I 'm a better witness than Curren on the stand .
27 But here she was , floating on the calm blue sea , with Malta 's rocky cliffs to the north , and Africa two hundred and thirty kilometres to the south , revelling in Roman 's wry , amusing conversation , mentally relishing the folk-tales , the fictional fate of Antonio and Louisa , and revisualising the images of the luminous sponge and coral on the bed of the Blue Grotto , feeling as if someone had waved a magic wand , wafted her to a place of her heart 's desire …
28 Gordon accepted the title and became the largest land- and vineyard-owner on the island .
29 An attraction of the PC expansion card is the ease with which data can be transferred between the card and memory on the host PC — particularly useful for testing and debugging software .
30 Despite his own caveats , Goody proceeds to base fundamental and far-reaching aspects of human reasoning and achievement on the distinction between oral and literate cultures .
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