Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] over [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That old woman across the landing who was judged to be clear thinking ; so much so , even at her age , that she visited the factory every Friday and went over the books with Henry .
2 The broomstick dipped and then dived towards a dark wood of tall elms and flew over the tops .
3 The geese arrived with a bow wave that surged over the nomes ' feet , and arched their necks down towards Shrub .
4 Standing at the window that looked over the grounds , she thought back over her short stay here in the house , tried to see how it might have been different — and then gave a wry , sad little smile .
5 Either you consider that the County Farms are playing a role set down by law and supported over the years of an , which no other authority and no other body in the country can provide , and which is a socially valuable role , and that is to provide the first step in farming , and clearly they do .
6 As she turned over on to her back she dismissed such mundane things as guttering and went over the words on Leo 's note .
7 Not that the Manner — which he intended should be so admired later in the week on Parents ' Evening — was particularly in evidence on the Monday , as he sat at his study desk and went over the plans for that event with his wife .
8 ‘ That last man — the one in the Mozart wig without a mask — wanted to show me a restaurant because I 'm mad on cooking and drooled over the recipes he described . ’
9 I went out naked on the landing and looked over the banisters .
10 It was the same banner that flew over the columns of marching men converging on the Women ‘ s Battalion guarding the Provisional Government in St Petersburg … the same banner that was raised in front of the crowds surging into George Square in Glasgow .
11 Or they could fork to the right , up Once Hill , past the rectory and on to the steep , narrow road that wound over the downs to Badstoneleigh , off which the entrance gates of Sea House opened .
12 Old Dissent gained a foothold where the Church of England was weakest , especially in isolated communities scattered throughout those large rural parishes that stretched over the moors , the marshlands and old wood-pasture areas and also in certain types of towns .
13 I had been to see it years before in a taxi from Roscrea , and had been greatly impressed by the poignant air of haunted melancholy that hung over the ruins .
14 Reaching it she climbed a few rungs and looked over the heads of the people and the cockpit where a double ring of candles hung low on iron chains from the rafters , spreading a brilliant pool of light .
15 However , if there is a clearly defined project , the related expenditure is clearly identifiable , and if there is a reasonable expectation of sufficient future benefits at least to cover all the costs , development expenditure may be carried forward as an asset on the balance sheet and amortized over the period(s) expected to benefit .
16 Ken encouraged him to do Shaw and ran over the lines with him until he felt he had got it .
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