Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 FROM the birth of radio astronomy in 1932 , when Jansky discovered cosmic radio waves and established that they come from the Galactic Centre , it has been clear that something very remarkable is taking place at the core of the Milky Way .
2 Yes , Mar Mark wanted you to look at the third line of the third verse where there is a reference to no eyes and wondered whether you have any ideas about that .
3 They identified about four hundred units and suggested that they accommodate over seven thousand pupils at ratios rarely exceeding 6 to 1 .
4 The kangaroo court decided the punishment must fit the crime and ruled that he stay in his cell during the jailhouse comedy .
5 My friend was most unimpressed , he had seen the footprints but shrugged his shoulders and suggested that we move on .
6 The Queen agreed to some of Diana 's demands but insisted that she accompany Charles to Korea .
7 He took the stairs slowly , trying to remember if it was the third or the fourth step from the bottom that creaked when you put your weight on it .
8 Christmas fillers you see , so I , she , cos I 've , I 'm going to make a couple of fruit cakes , I said well I was going to bring in a couple of fruit cakes and said if you need them not , if not I said I 'll take them back I thought no way is Sue gon na eat them , eat cakes like she did last year , or year before
9 In a surprise move , NEC Corp has approached Convex Computer Corp and proposed that it market the Convex C3 minisupercomputers in Japan to plug the gap below its own SX3 supercomputers .
10 You may have seen them walking through the woods and thought that they have a nice easy job .
11 He gave me schnapps and insisted that I stay at the hotel the SS man had mentioned .
12 You 'll need grout too , plus a tile cutter , preferably heavy-duty type , especially if using quarry tiles ( Vitrex makes one which will cut wall and floor tiles ) ; and it 's worth investing in a tile file or saw if you anticipate a lot of fiddly cutting round pipes and similar obstacles , and a tile gauge if you have any really awkward shapes to tile around .
13 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
14 A number of writers have concentrated upon the psychological make-up of individuals and indicated that we need to be aware of the individual 's nature .
15 We have had days when we 've had three s stewards scheduled for the morning we 've looked at the rota and thought and we 've had no-one turn up panic .
16 So she put a few ideas on the back and said when you do the next one try following these ideas of organizing the different parts of the essay .
17 Before I left , she gave me a long talk on the re-wiring of her flat and asked if we have old-fashioned fuse-boxes .
18 Some adults make the choice to live on their own after they have tried various shared living arrangements and discovered that they prefer to be in control of their own life and make their own rules .
19 He replied that a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly was due in the district and suggested that she wait .
20 The judge gave Vernage five life sentences and recommended that he serve at least 25 years .
21 The current generation of devices has already established a growing acceptance of electronic media among information users and demonstrated that they have a choice in the way they get access to the resources they need .
22 Roebuck was very interested in Watt 's invention and suggested that he take out a patent for it .
23 The GP visited again 10 days after his first call and asked that I continue to review the wound regularly and alter the dressings as necessary .
24 The G M B has rejected this approach and recognized that we have to improve health and safety standards at the workplace .
25 They have given each guest a limited-edition Disney sweatshirt and insisted that they wear it to gain entry to the gala performance .
26 She drained her glass and insisted that we go up at once and inspect the top floor of the house .
27 He sent it to several publishers and recommended that I accept an offer from Norton , a fairly up-market American book firm .
28 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
29 In the nineteenth century this all changed because opiates became much more widely and cheaply available so er babies were dosed with paregoric to stop them crying erm er and subsequently in the twentieth century that stopped and we do other things now .
30 But it 's lasted about seven year , so you never can organ but once we did start I did enjoy the ones over here because over there when your kids were small you did n't go out much anyway but now that your kids are up you 've got it , and personally I enjoyed the ones that started but they do n't have Christmas dance , barn dances and things like this , they do n't org we have to have to organize like that ourself .
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