Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 Some of the entries were illegible and others were written across the ruled lines and ran into each other , and they were all in scrawly handwriting , which she found very difficult to decipher .
2 As it descends towards the mantle it melts ; thousands of deep-focus earthquakes are triggered as gobbets of molten rock screech and burst against each other ; the edge of the upper plate , meanwhile , contorts and rises tortured into the air , producing a range of soaring peaks .
3 So they sat on a blanket and clung to each other , tears streaming down their cheeks .
4 Adam 's Renault was among 60 cars and lorries that piled into each other on the M62 at Ainley Top , near Huddersfield , on Monday .
5 They sat down against the summerhouse wall and talked of each others activities over the last nine years .
6 Soon complex life-forms emerged , based upon chemical arrangements that differed from each other .
7 For a second something stopped dead in me , as if paralysed by feeling his pain on top of my own ; then we groped forward in one mutual movement and fell into each other 's arms .
8 They made love on the cool marble floor of the terrace , and much later went to bed and slept in each other 's arms for the first time in months .
9 We practised endlessly , experimented , studied books , played games and climbed into each other 's psyche with ease and without inhibition .
10 Then they stared at each other in silence and saw into each other 's heart , sensing that each was a little afraid of what was to come , and of the powers that they felt were in their wings and across their lives and which had brought them together .
11 And then I went to Hereford for six months and I did er six months of medicine , and that was a long way from home in Essex and er we all sort of er mucked in and er made our own entertainment and cooked for each other and that erm was quite a good time .
12 Slowly , they got together at the far end of the house and whispered to each other .
13 Together they sat by the balcony overlooking avenue Foch and cried in each other 's arms until the early hours .
14 They drank their beers and smiled at each other and in the distance they heard a street procession wending its noisy way in their direction .
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