Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now how many of the sectors as again as defined ones which we 've agreed we will examine , er would fit or would be con would be consistent with regional , sub-regional policies or would possibly cause conflict with those if er they were the receiving the receiving area for a new settlement ?
2 Whether you love cichlids or would rather keep wasps for a hobby , can I urge you to ready Mary 's article in case you ever wish to take advantage of our service .
3 The exact role of cortisol is unknown , but its importance can be deduced from the observation that animals that can not produce cortisol , due to injury for instance , are very vulnerable in emergencies .
4 There were fundamental disagreements — both medical and moral — about basic procedures and operations , about the institutional settings that would best serve gynaecology and about the kinds of practitioners who should be involved .
5 Moreover , multimedia , PDAs , PC-TVs , PC-telephones and the host of other gadgets that will soon fill shop shelves are all new businesses .
6 Moreover , peasant resistance appeared to be the only social force that could conceivably transform Russia .
7 This , I quickly discovered from liberal rugby followers , was the disappointing result that might finally shake South African rugby 's Afrikaaner establishment to the core .
8 The discoveries straddle five licence blocks and form a key part of an extensive development programme that will substantially increase gas production in the North Sea by the end of the century .
9 Pacific Telesis Group Inc expects to report a net loss for full year 1993 after estimated charges of $2,000m related to accounting changes and other restructuring and disposition reserves : the accounting change on future retiree health benefits will reduce first quarter pre-tax profit by $2,600m and first quarter net by $1,600m , and an accounting change on post-employment benefits , such as long-term disability and workers ' compensation , will reduce first quarter net by $151m ; it will also establish reserves that will lower net profit by about $260m — some $210m of this is related to the recent decision to dispose of its property portfolio over the next three to five years , the balance to withdrawal from or restructuring of cable and equipment businesses , and costs following spin-off of the cellular operation ; its Pacific Bell subsidiary will recognise employee benefits liability over 20 years , consistent with a decision by the California Public Utilities Commission .
10 Discover that forgot to pack corkscrew , tea-towels , book of 101 Interesting Walks , storybook about Bear That Ca n't Play Piano , contraceptives .
11 The five vessels that would soon make history — the Vittoria ( now generally known as the Victoria ) , the Trinidada ( the Trinidad ) , the San Antonio , the Concepción and the Santiago — were small and , until Magellan set to work on them , hopelessly unseaworthy .
12 Tigers are catholic in their taste ; they have been known to eat frogs and will sometimes catch fish .
13 In an age when much more business is project-oriented when it is increasingly a case of throw it at the wall and see what sticks ( perhaps in the public sector they really wish they did n't have to be so careful with the dosh and could similarly try things out more just to see what might work ) , the role of the chief exec is to empower the team and keep informed of progress ( half a side of A4 and no hyperbole please ) .
14 Thus , a plaintiff who receives 'sick pay " equivalent to his ordinary pay has suffered no loss and can not recover damages ( Turner v Ministry of Defence ( 1969 ) 113 SJ 585 ) .
15 And er there was only one who could n't take part and he was in the fire brigade and could n't take part because they were er his employers .
16 This suggests that you should sit at arms length from your monitor and should n't site desks so that people sit near the back of monitors .
17 PR measures electoral support for indivisible political parties and can not measure support for vaguely defined factions within them .
18 The bill , which makes it an offence to carry a knife and puts the onus on the carrier to prove he had good reason to carry the knife , will have its third reading on Friday and could now become law before summer after the Scottish Office accepted a Labour amendment that the act should come into force on the day it is passed rather than at the end of a two month period .
19 The results are likely to come as a surprise presenting many untapped market opportunities and will certainly dispel complacency .
20 According to Nesselrode , the empire had the right to use force and need not fear reprisals from other European countries .
21 It should also help to raise cash for the training of counsellors who help to revitalise jaded relationships and can therefore make St Valentine 's Days of the future much more worth celebrating .
22 It can have no practical effect and will only divert attention from where it should be pressed by those who feel strongly about it .
23 John is fourteen next term and would normally leave school in a couple of years time .
24 In Cocks v. Thanet DC the House of Lords made clear that those aggrieved by local authority decisions must proceed by way of judicial review and could not use procedures available in private law between landlord and tenant .
25 In many respects the significance of the physical form of a program , whether hard-wired on a silicon chip or stored on magnetic disks , is an irrelevance and should not affect patentability .
26 When people have enough resources in their lives — psychological , financial , or decision-making power — they can cope with these demands and may not suffer ill-health effects .
27 They may lose out on some limited upside but will also avoid exposure to the considerable risk of the US negotiations breaking down .
28 Your tutor may be generous to a fault but can not reward irrelevance or peripheral knowledge display .
29 The total exposure of the vendors under the warranties and indemnities shall be limited to the consideration paid and ( if higher ) the consideration that would have been paid if a dividend and any other non trading transaction ( e.g. pension fund contributions , compensations for loss of office , etc. ) had not been paid between [ date ] and completion but will not exceed £ [ ] million .
30 These considerations are important now that modern clinical anaesthesia uses low concentrations of volatile anaesthetics which abolish consciousness but may still allow sensitisation of the cord unless nociceptive input is otherwise reduced — a concern voiced 80 years ago by Crile .
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