Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] [vb past] to be " in BNC.

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1 The youth could n't have been an inch over five feet three , skinny with dark curly hair and flashing eyes that never seemed to be still , as if he were always on the lookout for trouble .
2 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
3 this was supposed to be celebrated after thirty years of rule and then tended to be held at more frequent intervals .
4 Sometimes , of course , all that had arisen was a lump of anxiety in her throat at being interrupted for so long in the middle of work which required a high degree of concentration and often had to be done to a deadline .
5 Quite apart from this , the legislation required that the gathering of evidence by other means would be unlikely to succeed , or would be considerably more difficult ; a warrant would apply to only one suspect , so that there were no general warrants ; the warrants would remain in force for three months and thereafter had to be renewed ; and the person concerned generally had to be notified as soon as possible after the surveillance ended that he or she had been the target of such surveillance .
6 He 'd read the script and already seemed to be familiar with Joyce 's published material .
7 with black fillings , and long ratty hair that always seemed to be just coming out of a perm .
8 It was common form for converts who had led relatively blameless lives to condemn , as Newton did , ‘ the impiety and profaneness ’ of their unregenerate days ; but in his case there were the hard facts of his voyages in slave ships to the West Coast of Africa , on one of which he had been abandoned to his fate and only rescued through a combination of circumstances that indeed seemed to be almost miraculous .
9 The question that then needed to be answered was whether the dd fusion was being induced by collisions within the hot plasma — ‘ thermonuclear ’ fusion — or from some other non-thermonuclear processes such as collisions between deuterons that had been accelerated to high energies during the initial pulse of current and other deuterons of comparatively low energies .
10 He was wearing the leather shoes that had been only for best until they grew too small for his feet and now had to be worn for school .
11 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
12 These are called private law remedies because they were originally used only in private law but later came to be used in public law .
13 Two bays in Sutton depôt were screened off and such office work as still had to be done locally was done there .
14 At parties occasionally we will recall the full horror of the event in one of those conversations which goes something like : ‘ You were delayed six hours and then had to be diverted to a branch line 50 miles out of your way on a train that had no heating and no buffet .
15 Like the populists , the pious Protestants were profoundly opposed to Irish nationalism and republicanism and hence tended to be aggressive in defence of the Union with Britain .
16 ‘ David , listen I 'm sorry I 'm late , one of those things that just had to be done ; you know I 've got a casting at 1.30 — where would you like to start ? ’
17 After adaptation , things that initially appeared to be off to one side appear directly ahead again .
18 Her thoughts were twirling around and , however much she told herself that all that astrology stuff was nonsense , she could not prevent the doubts that had taken root and now refused to be urged away .
19 ‘ Gary , ’ she said , with a bewilderment that surely had to be faked , ‘ what is this ? ’
20 Kwoth is the creator and mover of all living things , vaguely associated with the sky and sometimes said to be like the wind .
21 Plays in the Globe were in the open air and always had to be in daylight , but the Blackfriars was a building with a roof .
22 And another thing that sometimes had to be done was writing out off er the they did n't put er notices in shop windows or anything .
23 This turned out to be impracticable , partly because they were needed for training and also had to be moved between aerodromes because of changes in the strategic and tactical situation , but also , more importantly , just how do you build an aeroplane for one flight only ?
24 He had fought the Japanese and also happened to be Communist .
25 Beginning as an ordinary mechanic , Murdock soon proved to be an excellent worker and rapidly rose to be Boulton & Watt 's most trusted worker and adviser .
26 Just before it joins the urethra , the vas sprouts a small sac , the seminal vesicle , once thought to be a store for spermatozoa but now believed to be simply another gland which adds its secretion to the ejaculate .
27 His words jarred Harriet and she swallowed at the ball of nerves that suddenly seemed to be constricting her throat .
28 Reagan had a better grasp of the complexities of politics than sometimes appeared to be the case , but regrettable though it may be , primary elections turn on superficial impressions .
29 The bombardier beetle 's ancestors simply pressed into different service chemicals that already happened to be around .
30 " In the narrow mind of this Boy Scout person , with his doll 's face ( popin ) , who only just knew where I ran was , the Shah was a dictator who put people in prison and so had to be replaced as soon as possible with a democracy like the USA " .
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