Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well he was as good as they come , as far as I was concerned , because if it could be had , swiped , stolen , midnight requisition or just purely ordered from some place , when we needed it we got it .
2 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
3 Trivial enjoyments that never quite roofed over the abyss of guilt and indecision and fear for Chesarynth .
4 Goblins with nets receive a +1 initiative bonus and so always attack before club-armed Goblins .
5 The cells , with time , acquire an autonomous developmental programme and no longer respond to new positional cues .
6 It was small , but adequate for the Gormans ' needs and comforts , built in the Midland Railway 's style of architecture having a pantile roof and very solidly constructed of red brick .
7 It has had over the years to be much restored , having been damaged three times by earthquakes and also outrageously neglected by the community of monks , who seem to have had an unnatural taste for litigation — one lawsuit between them and the locality lasted almost throughout the eighteenth century .
8 Shopper Richard Snow , 37 , of Clifton , said : ‘ Assistants noted expensive items like bottles of booze and then just guessed on the rest .
9 Such fiction , unconcise and more naturally given to carnality than wit , had been unashamedly dominated by story , and it was characteristically fast-paced and impatient of extended description , whether of scene , of motive or of mind .
10 Since the book went to press there has been Smith v. Schofield , in which it was said that seventeen pages of algebra used to show the consequences of one construction of a tax Act should have been proved by an expert witness and not merely put before the judge ; this does raise sharply the difference between argument and evidence .
11 It seems Freud and perhaps even wanted to er , vent their anger on Wilson , because of his failures concerning the war and its aftermath .
12 SSAP9 states that net realisable value is the amount at which it is expected that items of stock can be disposed of without creating either profit or loss in the year of sale , i.e. the estimated proceeds of sale less all further costs to completion and less all costs to be incurred in marketing , selling and distributing directly related to the items in question .
13 Net realisable value is the actual or estimated selling price ( net of trade discounts ) less all further costs to completion and less all costs to be incurred in marketing , selling and distribution .
14 Other pied breeds include the rare Danish Blue-and-White ( Dansk Blåhvidt Kvæg ) , which is the same as the Belgian Blue ; and also the Danish Red Pied ( Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg , or DRK ) , which is related to Dutch and West German red-and-white breeds , originating in the 1950s from Shorthorns with German Red Pied and Meuse-Rhine-Yssel blood and more recently influenced by red Holstein-Friesian bulls from the USA and Canada .
15 On the id our gelada like foraging career left instinctual trends which far from favouring altruism , strongly motivated males to sadistic sexual egoism and perhaps correspondingly imprinted on females a fatalistic , passive tendency which Freud was to term ‘ feminine masochism ’ .
16 It can not exactly be ascribed as a right of the pupil , however , since he can not ensure that the other schools and so on ask for the record .
17 Their basic ecology , whether studied on the continent ( Prior , 1962 ; Wise and Shoup , 1967 ; Janetschek , 1970 ) or on the maritime and periantarctic islands ( Strong , 1967 ; Etchegary and others , 1977 ; Tilbrook , 1970 , 1977 ; Block , 1982 ) is similar throughout their range , indicating that collembola , like lichens , are well adapted for harsh environments but not especially equipped for polar life .
18 These forces were gradually grouped into the superior formations occasionally identified in government communiques but more usually mentioned by external sources such as the BBC monitor reports .
19 This is the story that so nearly came to be cancelled .
20 The attack , like the March 2 bombing which killed Ranjan Wijeratne [ see p. 38103 ] , was attributed to the LTTE although not formally claimed by them .
21 One of the er matters that er one needs to apply one 's mind to in considering whether or not this land serves a greenbelt function or not , is to look at the land and assess whether or not it is more closely associated with the village or more closely associated with the er agricultural open land beyond the village .
22 I wanted to see her smile , hear the little chuckle that so often bubbled from her as we spoke , and just watch her move about .
23 Leith could imagine that would be the case , and , even though she knew the answer to a question that just then came to her , for clarification 's sake , she asked it just the same .
24 Be aware of the organisational context of work and not just concentrate on the job itself ( Herzberg ) .
25 With this assumption his principle followed fairly simply , and later physicists — William Thomson and Rudolf Clausius — had problems in incorporating Carnot 's law into the new theory , where heat was motion of particles and was actually being converted into mechanical work and not just flowing through the engine .
26 In the circumstances , hotel use was clearly a good second best , as it meant that the staterooms could be used for functions and so still seen by the public .
27 The rug should then be carefully and systematically dried , making sure that there are no pockets of dampness in either the foundation or pile , by leaving it out in the sun and then methodically going over the entire area , both back and front , with a hand-held hair dryer .
28 The scaup in flight is almost identical but although scaups are common enough around the coast they are exclusively winter visitors and not often seen on inland waters .
29 It 's quite a shortsighted policy , if you look at the er , because , if you erm , if you introduce subsidies to actually protect the domestic industry then that 's often going to cause retaliation from other countries and therefore effectively sealing off any trade , any effective trade at all , and consequently because there 's no competitive pressure on the domestic industries , they 're not going to feel the need to make themselves more productive , which they would do when there was competition .
30 He left the Operations Room and was running up the Pit transport belt when Cheryl Russell swung in from a side corridor and very nearly cannoned into him .
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