Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] has be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Child support will therefore not necessarily be any more reliable or regular in the future than it has been in the past .
2 For example , one Lambodar Gorain has been held in Ranchi Jail since 18th June 1970 , for an offence under Section 25 of the Arms Act … with the result that he has been in prison for eight and a half years for an offence for which even if convicted , he could not have been awarded more than two years imprisonment … .
3 And if any of his fans still needed convincing , they had only to look into the happy , laughing face of his adoring wife Jean , at his side as she has been since his horrific car accident nearly three months ago .
4 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
5 This needs materials scientists , whose contribution is likely to be as decisive for biosensor research as it has been for mainstream biomaterials research .
6 The picture since 1982 has been one of net zero change although there has been at least one new arrival , Boots PLC .
7 We had originally intended to freeze our budget at precisely the level that it has been at the last two years for a variety of reasons we have decided that it is sensible to actually bring it down yet further .
8 She then moved to Bristol City Council where she has been for some months .
9 The exam educates youngsters cheaply up to a level that is not reached in other countries until someone has been at university for a year .
10 His first position was with the old Edinburgh Corporation as a trainee valuer and he has been with Lothian Regional Council since reorganisation in 1975 .
11 erm there are a lot of social needs that remain unmet , and meeting those needs would generate more employment , but in many areas of the economy I do n't think there 's so much need for work as there has been in the past , especially as we 're applying new technologies that increase productivity dramatically .
12 In other words not to provide for a continuing level of migration as it has been in the past .
13 Unfortunately has been unable to edit this issue as she has been in Charing Cross Hospital for treatment after her mole pregnancy earlier this year .
14 Hungarian-born pianist Gyorgy Gziffra has never been as well known , or for that matter , as well regarded in England as he has been on the Continent or in the USA .
15 Can you say what the best things are from your drama school experience and what has been of most value to you during your first year in the profession ?
16 When he was told that what he had said was all very well but a bit negative , he fell back on the 13 wasted years that he has been in opposition .
17 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
18 Benjamin 's case , though , was subtly different : for the most part family emigration seems to have been prompted at least as much by the need or the desire to leave one place as it has been by the yearning to live somewhere else .
19 More pointedly , such analyses are concerned with measuring the effects of wage movements ; the causes have to be sought in the actual , real-world process of industrial relations — an environment as uncongenial to economists as it has been to many industrial managers .
20 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
21 He intended no offence to Scott , who was the leading living architect , and only wanted to appeal to his good sense and taste , but he could not understand Street 's attack on him , whose attitude that ‘ no one is an architect until he has been in Rome ’ , is the same as our grandfathers .
22 Will the Italian Abbado remain musical director of the Vienna State Opera where he has been for the past three years ?
23 Unless the UN proved much tougher in Bosnia than it has been in Croatia , the Owen concession would have meant that , from Serb-held territories in Croatia through Serb-held territories in Bosnia to the border of Serbia itself , Serbs would remain in control , whatever the peace plan said .
24 103 youths were arrested in the first four weeks , but there are porblems , sometimes in radio communications and it has been at a cost .
25 One occasionally has a glimpse of Green 's neighbours after he has been with them , or heard of their deaths , when he liked to write their obituaries .
26 When fellwalking becomes a passion as it has been for me and many others , the summits are regarded as old friends and memories are refreshed on each visit .
27 We are at present monitoring the policy as it has been in operation for approximately 18 months .
28 In a study of miraculous images of Mary which weep , the author , Father Hebert SM , after saying there is a long history of these writes , ‘ There has never been such an outpouring of tears as there has been in this century … more explicitly during the ten years , 1971–1981 , particularly so in Italy and in the United States ’ .
29 IN MID SEPTEMBER , 28XX class No.3822 returns to the Great Western Society from the West Somerset Railway where it has been on loan since March 19th this year .
30 And although entitlement caps are not easy to implement , there is more interest in them in Congress than there has been for years , and the interest is being communicated to the administration .
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