Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] is [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can not live your life in fear that someone is going to attack you .
2 Howard also finds with pleasure that he is beginning to speak a language which is incomprehensible to anyone outside the office , even to Phil — schuppen structure , Pennine ‘ windows ’ , and Dinaride outliers .
3 The Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester is trying to shake off its persistent image of being just too highbrow for words and it is striving to show the general public that they might actually enjoy some of the things that go on there .
4 Northern regional organiser Kevin Scott , said : ‘ We have said there is going to be violence but it is going to come from the Communists , not us . ’
5 In view of the serious situation that my right hon. Friend has outlined and the excellent policies that he is introducing to deal with it , can we have a clear assurance that the Government will resist any proposals at the Maastricht discussions to transfer immigration control to Brussels or the European Economic Community ?
6 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
7 It 's a challenging objective and there is general recognition among the senior administrators that it is going to take a tremendous effort , one that is both concerted and coordinated , for Canada to qualify for the 1995 quarter-finals .
8 Meanwhile John tells the child that he is going to play a trick on Mary and transfers the coin into the blue box .
9 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
10 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
11 If the employer is looking to make a judgement on a candidate 's power of invention and imagination then such a question may be relevant but this is open to question if he is seeking to appoint a solid contracts officer .
12 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he is going to announce the start of the Ardrossan-Saltcoats-Stevenston bypass ; and if he will make a statement .
13 The country 's largest carrier is not keen to face new battles at home when it is trying to spread its wings overseas , by buying TWA 's slots at Heathrow .
14 It therefore has to aim at a carefully judged angle to the apparent direction if it is going to score a hit .
15 1985 His number work has made progress and he is beginning to add , subtract and divide using HTUs .
16 We may take a mild-mannered horse , one that is bottom of the pecking order at home , out to ride in the company of others — perhaps at a show or on a trail ride — and find to our embarrassment that it is threatening to kick every horse in sight .
17 ABBEY NATIONAL intends to refuse to pay the remaining £7m it nominally owes Lloyds Bank Registrars for the handling of its share distribution and it is planning to claim additional compensation for the bungled flotation .
18 He has remarkably little choice of action or initiative if he is going to comply with the flight manual and his company 's operations manual and at the same time carry out an economic flight .
19 Repetition in everyday conversation can be a mixed blessing if one is trying to grasp meaning — if only people would come to the point !
20 He says : ‘ There is boredom when one is trying to avoid awareness that one is very angry or disappointed with the other person .
21 For the more depressed and lonely people who have few if any outside contacts , counselling can appear to deepen the very feelings that it is seeking to alleviate , especially in the early stages .
22 As to the Secretary of State 's personal statement , as he knows , we do not always agree about everything , but we very much appreciate the efforts that he is making to bring everybody around the table .
23 In view of Leicester Energy Limited 's continued interest in the establishment of a combined heat and power scheme in Leicester , will the Minister give his wholehearted support and instruct his officials to give their wholehearted co-operation to Leicester Energy Limited in the tremendous efforts that it is making to promote that scheme ?
24 After several years of shake-outs and restructuring , the home computer market remains substantial — games software sales in Europe last year were worth about £200 million — but there is little sign that it is going to scoop the true potential of the consumer market .
25 There are advantages in having it on your child 's birthday rather than the nearest weekend , in that it is a special day and it is fitting to have it as a day of celebration .
26 So then I 'll need to go and get my pads and my bandages so that I can put this right , you 'll need two of these for this bandage , the first one , you open out so that the pad is going to go into the palm of her hand and that over the top and she is going to grab hold of the other one like that , okay , now we 've got the wad in there and she 's hanging on to it , but it was the sterile part of the bandage as I undid it that went on to the wound , there is no time for dressing here is there ?
27 Peter Gibson J said , at p638 : An employee with experience in a particular industry who is intending to leave , whether to join a competitor as an employee or to set up in competition on his own account , commits no breach of contract in doing so unless either there is a specific term of his contract to that effect which does not fall foul of the doctrine against restraint of trade or he is intending to use the confidential information of his employer otherwise and for the benefit of his employer .
28 In the ‘ rational ’ decision-making model , the policy-maker first specifies the objectives that he is trying to achieve , second musters all the evidence necessary for an analysis of alternative ways of achieving these objectives and , third , chooses the most cost-effective means of achieving these objectives .
29 In order to make best use of the available resources , LoadLeveler needs to be given information about the code that it is trying to run .
30 How does one convince BR that nobody is going to pay rail fares to travel by bus ?
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