Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] is [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ technology transfer ’ is a process of innovation , but it involves spreading existing technology from sectors where it is conventionally used throughout industry so as to provide added value and competitive advantage .
2 If we are to establish how and to what extent routine policing is affected by Northern Ireland 's divisions , it would be useless to base our research where there is only militarized political policing ( even though there are at least formal attempts to try to normalize policing in areas of high tension ) , for it is necessary to explore the extent to which policing in so-called ‘ soft ’ areas is contaminated by wider societal conflicts .
3 The cash has been sent on to HQ where it is sorely needed ( see our Spring issue ) .
4 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
5 In explosive breeding , all reproductive activity is packed into a few days , with the result that it is highly synchronised .
6 In creating the replica pavement , Mr Bob Woodward , a builder by trade , has undertaken such thorough background research that he is now regarded as a leading international expert on Roman mosaics .
7 The ancient Dwarf hold of Karak Ungor has become so infested with Night Goblins that it is now known as Red Eye Mountain .
8 The ‘ I ’ , he would have argued , only means something in relation to all the other words that it is usually compared with — in this case the personal pronouns like ‘ you ’ , ‘ she ’ or ‘ it ’ .
9 There are still traces of hut circles attributed to an Iron Age occupation and , at the time of the Roman invasion , the local patriots , the Brigantes , established a hill fort to resist the foreign legions ; an ancient rampart wall , built around the perimeter of the summit and almost half a mile in circumference , has survived the centuries although it is now crumbled and has many gaps .
10 Although they were the servants of governments whose interests it was their duty to uphold unreservedly , it was easier in such a setting than it is today to recognize certain common interests .
11 To identify a fluttering shadow as the outline of a bird is not so revealing as the recognition that it is actually cast by a butterfly .
12 2.35 In claims for the death of an infant child there is rarely any actual dependency but there might be prospective loss and it is well established that prospective loss is sufficient to found a claim by the parents .
13 Visions of heavy counselling sessions come to mind and it is often felt that the grieving person must be helped to ‘ come to terms with it ’ , whatever ‘ it ’ might be .
14 ‘ You 've really got him going well The energy is between your leg , seat and rein and he is nicely balanced .
15 Holding the mussel with both forefeet , it begins pounding it on the rock until it is sufficiently broken to allow the otter to extract the flesh with its teeth .
16 This work has shed much new light not only on chronology , and therefore on the development of Bach 's style , but also on performance practice and what is loosely termed reception history .
17 What is the point of sending the article to learned referees if it is subsequently going to be altered without warning ?
18 The decision is likely to postpone a hearing on the charges for many months and it is now thought that the case could eventually be heard in Milan instead of Turin .
19 ‘ Ah , Beel , he is a very good chef and he is now preparing the menu for tomorrow ; you like the food ? ’
20 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
21 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
22 Does he also agree that there has been a noticeable change of opinion in the business community , in that in 1990 it thought that we could go into the exchange rate mechanism without any disadvantage whereas it is now beginning to realise that the ERM obliges us to have a higher exchange rate and higher real interest rates than are appropriate for domestic needs ?
23 Vitamin B12 is rather an odd vitamin as it is only obtained from animal sources ( such as meat , milk , and eggs ) and not at all from plant foods .
24 It is certain that we have to devise ways to move beyond antiracism as it is presently constituted .
25 Desktop Sunergy Classics will run a 50MHz Tsunami ( or MicroSparc as it is officially known ( UX No 406 ) ) , and are rated at 22.6 SPECint(92) , 17.4 SPECfp(92) and around 14 MFLOPS .
26 And yet even the New Testament as it is today bears witness , if one looks at it closely , to Jesus as a military and political Messiah — to Jesus , in other words , as a would-be precursor of Constantine .
27 To clarify how the model outlined in the previous chapter relates to , and draws upon , research as it is academically defined , it will be helpful to start by considering the nature of research in general terms .
28 The joint is in this condition when it is finally judged ready for the table .
29 Absorption or wet scrubbing as it is often called has however the disadvantage of having to dispose of the liquid effluent obtained , which may itself require treatment before disposal , and has led to the comment that we may be merely replacing one effluent problem by another by using this method .
30 Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour , criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized .
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