Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] get [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now bring it all over the left hand side and we 'll get B to the plus sixteen B square , minus two , two , five equals what ?
2 it was Thomas the Tank , all Thomas books and you can get crayons to do with it
3 She would never have a confrontation but she would get things done her way .
4 For instance , if the defendant tells a taxi driver that he must get money from his flat and the driver agrees , does he make off ?
5 If you do n't tension the boom bang when you 're sailing off wind , the boom will just lift , the sail roll twist and you 'll get bags of uncontrollable power .
6 Good I 'm pleased about that , so I did n't really want somebody coming all the way down from the West End cos I 'm I , I 'm what I would call a buyer , I 'm only going to be a buyer if I can get money from somewhere that I do n't know you know what I mean .
7 Er er always played football or tennis and I I played all sports that I could get hold of .
8 It was one of the only places that you could get banjo strings to put on the top , because in the old days you could n't get thin guitar strings .
9 Of course , all these symptoms can be part of the growing-up process , but if you are worried that your teenager might be taking drugs , or suspect drug-taking among their friends or school mates , it is very important for their own safety that you should get help .
10 But according to him it 's quite simple to make a bomb provided you can get hold of about eight kilograms of plutonium , a lump about the size of an orange . ’
11 Mr McFadyen said : ‘ We 've already been pledged financial support by several organisations if we can get part of the old school building as a community centre . ’
12 But that means waiting for years before you can get part of your investment back , and your ex-wife will be faced with finding a new place with limited funds .
13 ‘ If you start with a new house and new furniture it is usually about five years before anybody can get asthma in that house : it takes that time for the mite dung deposits to build up .
14 It had not materialised , sterner counsels had prevailed , but people had been consulted , people with files and knowledge as well as hatred , and Terence had gone to bed happy in the supposition that he would get revenge , and soon .
15 Clough will consider it a much needed morale booster if he can get Keane 's signature on the new deal , even though the battle to keep him at the City Ground is far from being won .
16 Lots of children visit with their school or other organisation and they can get talks and information on specific topics , also being able to handle some of the smaller animals .
17 But then if you did it at the stage before , before it gets into the Scottish Theatre Guide you can then make your dates available or you can agree your dates and you can get publicity and that at home .
18 Divorce is against my wife 's principles but she might get ideas as to a legal separation . ’
19 Mass production has made fashion available to anyone who can get to their high street chain store or who can get hold of the latest mail order catalogue .
20 The only role of the Labour party is to stir up any bad news that it can get hold of to give a bad image of Wales .
21 ‘ The recession must have affected people but you can get assistance from the DSS ( Department of Social Security ) , who are very helpful . ’
22 cos they 're not X directory if we can get hold of the number , er so she 's going to say to her could she do it any quicker and I said well the woman said if she could do it any quicker she would ring me , she asked for me phone number .
23 It was a shed hand actually , he did n't , was n't responsible for cash although he helped the cashier and er , I well remember this erm in those days the conductor used to either run into depot with the bus or he 'd get relief on the Cornhill , he walked down to the depot carrying his cash in his cash bag and then he 'd sit in the paying in room and he 'd laboriously cam carried out his cash , piling the pennies into stacks , the ha'pennies , the tokens , the sixpences , every denomination .
24 And I came to ask the doctor if I could get H R T. And she took my blood pressure and it was too high
25 Then Elaine said , ‘ Do you remember we used to go out with Mama and buy Father 's cigars , and then go out with Father — he would take us into Newcastle and we would get Mama 's perfume .
26 ‘ You 've got to have qualifications in this world before you can get money .
27 Prior to that the only way that you could get sweets was if you had the necessary ration coupons .
28 Charles Merson , 59 , posed as a salesman for a tobacco firm and persuaded newsagents and off-licences that he could get goods at a discount price , John McGuinness , prosecuting , told Isleworth Crown Court .
29 What I 'm talking about is situations where women go into jobs when they leave school if they can get jobs .
30 What age children are they then , yeah nursery or primary school cos you can get hold of different
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