Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [vb past] her into " in BNC.

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1 There was a savage splendour to his aroused body , and Maria called his name faintly , from far away , it seemed , as blood drummed in her ears and he took her into his arms again , sinking to the bed with her .
2 She had started the second stage of labour when they carried her into the Rotunda and hurried her away into the labour ward .
3 Later Fernando grazed the moisture from her brow with his lips as he gathered her into his arms once again .
4 He sighed with wry regret as he took her into his arms , tipping her face up to his .
5 Her mouth was open , but she did n't make a sound as he whirled her into the darkness .
6 She moaned his name and he swept her into his arms , moving through into the lamplit bedroom and undressing her quickly .
7 His mouth creaked into a smile as he bowed her into her lift and pressed the button for floor 19 : Le Club Zodiaque , top of the world !
8 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
9 She felt Mr Browning 's arm round her and the gentlest of pressures as he pushed her into a seat .
10 Just one shot and I pushed her into the water .
11 When he broke off in the middle of the sentence , she glanced up at him curiously and was completely taken by surprise when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her .
12 She came to for a bit when we brought her into the light , but I had difficulty following what she said .
13 She stumbled on in this manner for some time before I talked her into accepting a chair and a cuppa .
14 ‘ The time factor ; it 's too late to get married today , but the honeymoon does n't have to wait , does it ? ’ she said , a faint colour stealing into her face as he swung her into his arms .
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